How to Start a Skincare Blog That Makes Money with Affiliate Marketing

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The skincare niche is an awesome niche to be in and many people have started a skincare blog that generates a consistent income online. You can do the same and I’ll explain how to start a skincare blog of your own that can earn a consistent income month after month.

For starters, the skincare niche is a billion-dollar industry and there are tons of products that you can recommend within this niche. I will focus on earning income with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite ways to earn income online. You can create a helpful and informative skincare blog and promote quality skincare affiliate products in the process. That being said, let’s dive in!

Ready to make money with a blog? Learn how I went from zero to consistent affiliate commissions every month. Click here to learn how I did it.

How to Start a Skincare Blog for Beginners

I’m going to outline the essentials you’ll need for starting your own skincare blog. First, it will start with choosing a niche. Next, you’ll want to come up with your domain name and register it.

Then you’ll need to set up your own self-hosted WordPress website (don’t worry, it’s really easy!), and then I’ll share key tips for creating content (blog posts) that brings web traffic.

Choosing a Skincare Niche

You may be wondering why you need to choose a niche when skincare is the niche? Skincare is a broad niche that has a lot of subniches within it.

As a blogger, you have the choice to make a general skincare blog or to subniche into a specific topic. Being a niche blogger myself, I have had great success when I can subniche within a broader niche.

This particular niche has a wide variety of concerns that you can build a niche blog on. You can focus on one subniche or a combination of them.

Some of the skincare subniches you can consider include:

  • oily skin
  • dry skin
  • acne
  • dark spots
  • anti-aging
  • wrinkles
  • combination skin

It helps to choose a niche that you have a genuine interest in. For example, if you have dealt with acne and you were able to manage it, you can create a niche blog that focuses on acne issues.

If your goal is to reverse the signs of aging and you want to share your tips and experiences, that is another great blog to create.

Think about where your interests are and how you want to help the people in your niche. This is important as you will be writing the blog posts and it is easy to burn out if you don’t like the niche you have chosen.

Choosing a Domain Name

This is a fun part of setting up your blog. You get to come up with a name for your website. As you decide on your niche, you may already have some ideas of what domain you want.

When you are ready to find out if your domain is available or if you need help coming up with a name, you can use the free tool over at Instant Domain Search.

Once you’ve come up with the name that you want, you can register it at a domain registrar or you can register it through a web hosting provider which I talk more about below.

As a beginner, you can register your domain with your web hosting provider in order to keep it simple. The fewer steps you have to do, the better.

Your Blog Set-Up

There are three things that you’ll need for setting up your blog. Those include a domain name, web hosting, and installing WordPress on your web hosting account.

I don’t recommend using free blogging services. Most of them will display ads on your blog or charge you a monthly fee. It is really easy to get your own self-hosted WordPress website.

A self-hosted WordPress website gives you 100% ownership of your content. You then have the freedom to advertise when and how you want to earn income with your blog.

Web Hosting Recommendation

Most web hosting providers can set you up with everything that you need to start your blog. While I have a preference for hosting providers for my own blogs, I do recommend Bluehost for beginners.

They have great pricing and they can install WordPress on your account for you. You can also register your domain name when creating a new account as well.

Creating Content for Your Blog

Your content is your money maker. Without content, your blog will not receive web traffic. Therefore, it is vital that you write new blog posts on a regular basis.

By regular basis, at a bare minimum, you should produce 1 to 2 new blog posts per week. It is completely doable, even with a busy schedule.

I worked a full-time retail job and wrote at least 3 to 4 blog posts per week on my first niche blog. Content is key because it is your content that eventually gets indexed and ranked in the search engine results such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.

The first thing you’ll want to do before writing out a new post is to figure out what it is your niche audience is wanting answers to.

This is called keyword research and it is easy to do. You don’t need any fancy tools. In fact, you have everything you need by using Google Search.

Type in keyword phrases that are related to your niche and use Google’s autosuggest feature to generate blog post ideas:

how to start a skincare blog keyword results

You Do Not Need to Be a Skincare Expert

A common myth is that you have to be an expert in your niche. That is not the case at all. You can approach any niche from a beginners perspective or from your own experience.

It is completely fine to do research and share the information that you learn within your blog post. Blogging is a casual form of writing so don’t feel pressure to be a great writer.

As long as you can communicate your thoughts to your readers, you are doing a fine job.

How to Make Money with Your Skincare Blog

There are many different ways to make money with a blog. However, since affiliate marketing is what I have the most experience with (and it is my favorite way to make money online) that is what I will focus on here.

Let’s define what affiliate marketing is:

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another company’s products and/or services in exchange for a commission when a sale is made

There are many companies that have affiliate programs and there are plenty of skincare affiliate programs you can choose from.

You can apply to these programs for free. Once you are approved you will have access to special tracking links called “affiliate links.” These links credit you with commissions when a visitor clicks on them and then buys from the merchant’s website.

As you create content for your blog, you can recommend the various skincare affiliate products using your affiliate links.

One way to boost conversions is to create product review pages for each of the products that you promote. You can then link to these review pages from your other blog posts.

User reviews are excellent for increasing sales.

Step-By-Step Niche Blog Training

I couldn’t possibly cover everything to know about creating a successful niche blog in this one post. What I have shared here are the basics for starting a niche blog.

When I got started, it was easy for me to get my website up but I didn’t know how to actually make money with it. I purposely sought out an online training program and found this one.

That training program helped me to make progress much faster than if I had tried to learn everything on my own.

By implementing what I learned, I was able to transition out of a full-time retail job into working on my niche blog full-time.

Closing Thoughts On How to Start a Skincare Blog

I hope this blog post has provided some clarification on how to start a skincare blog. It is a great niche to be in with lots of opportunities for earning affiliate commissions.

A niche blog is an ideal way to make money promoting affiliate products. They are low-cost, low-risk, convenient, fun, and easy to maintain.

However, there are many skills that you can learn to help you create a successful niche blog. If you are ready to level up your skills, I recommend following the same step-by-step training program I followed.

I am a part of that training platform today and use it to help others one-on-one with creating their own niche blogs.

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