Can You Start a Baking Blog and Make Money?

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Is baking your thing? Are you ready to share your passion with the world? The baking niche is a great niche to be in. It is extremely popular and there is plenty of money to be made in this niche.

Of course, starting any blog for fun and profit requires having a genuine interest in the niche that you choose. Since you already have an interest in baking, you are already well on your way.

I have been making money with niche blogs for a few years now and it is one of my favorite ways to make money online.

Once you learn how to create good content and generate traffic, you can make money from your blog.

Best of all, once you learn these skills, you can repeat the process over and over, building up a portfolio of money-making websites.

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I’ll talk more about the baking niche and how to make money doing something that you already love.

Learn how I earn a consistent income online with a website. Click here to learn how I did it.

Is It Too Late to Start a Baking Blog?

baker using a rolling pin

It is a misconception that the baking niche is overcrowded. If a niche seems crowded, that is definitely a good sign that there is money being made.

The CBD niche is blowing up and tons of people are creating niche websites that target this niche. Why? CBD companies are unable to advertise online the way other companies can.

That makes it a huge opportunity and offers many ways to sub-niche within the CBD niche.

There is always room to make your mark within any niche. The great thing about blogs is that each person can put their individual spin on the topic.

For example, if you wanted to sub-niche even more, your baking blog could focus on baking bread or you could specialize in baking cakes.

There are many directions that you could go in to make your blog stand out from the rest.

Sub-niching also enables you to target different keywords for your blog post titles. Check out the awesome long-tail keyword phrase using Google Instant (auto-complete feature):

longtail keyword phrases

If you wanted to, you could create a blog post that focuses on the phrase “whole wheat bread recipe with kitchenaid mixer”.

Now you have the opportunity to highlight the Kitchenaid Mixer which you can be an affiliate of within Amazon Associates (’s affiliate program.)

You can link to the Kitchenaid Mixer product page using your affiliate link (special tracking links). When visitors click on your affiliate links and buy the product, you earn a percentage of the sale (a commission.)

Therefore, it is never too late to start a baking blog. Start your blog because of your genuine interest in baking. It is more important to write for your readers first.

Do Food Bloggers Make Money?

Yes, many food bloggers actually earn income from their blogs. Some make part-time income others have managed to create a full-time income.

You are limited by how much work you want to put into your blog. Many food bloggers (and bloggers in general) make money through:

  • affiliate marketing
  • display ads
  • CPA advertising

Affiliate marketing is the most popular way to make money with a blog. It is how I earn income online and it is one of my favorite ways to earn with a blog.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another company’s products in exchange for a commission when a sale is made.

With affiliate marketing, you don’t need your own product and there are hundreds of thousands of affiliate programs that you can join.

Affiliate programs are free to join. You can earn anywhere from 4% up to 75% commissions and more.

Most of the affiliate programs I promote are anywhere between 40% and 50% commissions.

Most affiliate programs will pay commissions out via PayPal. Some may even do direct deposit.

How to Start a Baking Blog and Make Money

hands typing on a keyboard

Starting your blog is one of the easiest things you can do. What trips most people up is choosing a niche.

You already have your niche chosen so now it is a matter of getting your blog set up.

I recommend using a self-hosted WordPress blog. All that means is you are hosting your website on a hosting account that you are paying for.

You’ll want to avoid free blogging services as you will not have full control of your website.

These services will place ads on your website and some will limit how you can make money with your website.

You will need three things to start a baking blog:

  1. domain name
  2. web hosting
  3. WordPress

You can register your domain name at the same place you plan on hosting your website. Most commercial web hosting companies offer domain registration.

Otherwise, you can register domains at any domain registrar of your choice. I register most of my domains at

Web hosting companies are plentiful. You will find that many of them will offer huge discounts to new customers.

Beware of hosting companies that charge the entire year up front as they often renew yearly at a much higher price.

a2Hosting offers monthly pricing and if you order a WordPress hosting plan, they will install WordPress on your account for you.

Making Money with Your Baking Blog

Earning income with your blog will begin with creating content and lots of it. Your content is what will draw targeted visitors to your blog. For example, if you’ve ever wanted to make money baking cakes, you can use your experience or what you’re learning as content for your blog.

Over time, your blog posts will begin ranking in the search engine results. Once you have traffic, you can make money with your blog.

You don’t need thousands of visitors a day to make a good income. There are some blogs that have 100 to 200 visits a day and bring in $2,000 or more per month.

Promoting Your Blog On Social Media

Besides writing great content, you’ll also want to promote your blog posts on social media. Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook are all excellent for sharing baking posts.

A YouTube channel can do wonders for your traffic as well. You can create YouTube videos showing viewers how you make a recipe.

You can then link to your blog posts in your YouTube descriptions. I follow this same strategy and receive traffic every day from YouTube visitors.

Start a Baking Blog – My Closing Thoughts

The baking niche is a great niche and one in which you can sub-niche even more. Rather than focus on a general baking blog, you can sub-niche into bread, cakes, pastries, and more.

The more of a sub-niche you can get into (and still enjoy what you do) can mean much less competition in terms of ranking in the search results.

You can make money in a number of ways. The most popular being affiliate marketing and display ads.

Starting a niche affiliate website is one of the best ways to make money online. You can literally make money while you sleep.

Learning the ins-and-outs of running an affiliate website takes time. You can speed up your learning curve with the help of a step-by-step training program like this.

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