It is not uncommon for those new to affiliate marketing to be rejected when applying to certain affiliate programs. It has happened to me on numerous occasions. If you’ve been rejected by the Fashionphile affiliate program, I’m going to share some things you can do to possibly help you get approved the next time you apply.
What I share in this post can be helpful for almost any affiliate program you want to apply to in the future. These are things that I did and nowadays, I rarely get rejected by affiliate programs.
How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hey there! I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. I seek out various affiliate programs to share here on the blog.
I also share ways to help boost affiliate income and one of the ways I’ve done that is by shifting my focus from recommending low-ticket products to high-ticket products.
Making higher commissions is one of the fastest ways to scale up your affiliate income. Click below to learn how I make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:
How the Fashionphile Affiliate Program Works
Before you apply to the Fashionphile affiliate program, it’s good to know what they offer for their affiliates. According to their affiliate program page, it states that one of their top influencers earned $65,000 last year. That is equivalent to a full-time income.
The affiliate program is managed through the Impact affiliate network so when you do apply, you’ll have to create an account there. The Fashionphile commission is 5% for every sale that you refer.
- URL:
- Commission: 5%
What to Do If You’re Rejected by the Fashionphile Affiliate Program
The reason why many affiliates are rejected by any affiliate program is because they do not have some type of online asset such as a website or social media following.
Fashionphile is no different. When you apply to an affiliate program, there is usually a form field that asks for your website URL. This is where new affiliates get stumped and may skip the question and apply anyway.
However, it’s not a good idea to skip because many affiliate managers may immediately reject applications due to this.
Why is it Important to Have a Website or Social Media Following?
The purpose of asking for a domain or social media account is so the affiliate manager can determine if you are able to send quality targeted traffic to the company’s website.
Let’s say for example that you have a fashion blog and you create new blog posts every week. Your blog begins to get traffic and people and visitors are clicking your links.
If you submit that website when applying to a related affiliate program, your chances are much higher of being approved.
The same goes if you have a social media account with followers and lots of engagement. These things take time to build up so the sooner you do it, the easier it will be moving forward.
Besides, don’t you want an online asset? Without traffic, you cannot make affiliate commissions. So at some point, you’ll either want to create a niche website or social media account.
Unless you can pay for tons of traffic (which most beginner affiliates can’t), it’s wise to create an online asset.
Having an online asset benefits you by providing a constant source of traffic to recommend affiliate products. It is well worth the effort to create an online asset.
Create a Fashion Related Niche Website
I got my start in affiliate marketing with a niche website. It is one of the easiest and beginner-friendly ways to do affiliate marketing. In fact, creating a niche website was one of the best things I’ve ever done in terms of an online business.
Having a niche website is an online asset that can last for years in terms of generating traffic. Like anything worth creating, it is going to take time, patience, and consistent effort.
A fashion niche website is ideal for affiliate programs like Fashionphile and other related luxury affiliate programs. You can focus on the general fashion niche or a specific sub-niche of the topic.
For example:
- Women’s Fashion
- Men’s Fashion
- High-end Fashion
- Fashion on a Budget
The key to a niche website is to create content on a regular basis. At a minimum, I would write 1 – 2 new pieces of content per week. That is doable even with a full-time job and a busy schedule.
It’s about making the time to write the posts. When you do this consistently, over time, some of your content may rank well within the search results and that’s when you get a steady flow of traffic.
Create a Fashion Related Instagram Account
Another option if you do not want to create a niche website is to focus on building up an Instagram account (or other social media of choice.) Similar to blogging, it is going to take time to grow your account.
The more consistent you are with posting reels, stories, and posts, the more your account will gain followers and (hopefully) gain favor with the algorithms.
No matter what type of content you create, it is all about consistency. Most affiliate marketers don’t meet their goals because they lack consistency.
If you are really motivated, you can create both a niche website and a social media account. However, it is completely fine to focus on one until you get a steady flow of traffic and then move on to another source of traffic.
When Should You Reapply?
After being rejected by an affiliate program like the Fashionphile affiliate program, it is a good idea to wait at least 30 days or longer before reapplying.
Even better is if you reapply once you’re able to generate traffic. That way, you’ll have the best chance of being approved.
How I Make $1,000 Commissions
Promoting high-end luxury brands is a great way to earn good affiliate commissions. After a while, it can be challenging to scale your affiliate income.
I had to realize this myself and for a long time, I only focused on promoting low-ticket products. I struggled to get past a certain amount of income each month.
It wasn’t until I shifted my focus to high-ticket affiliate marketing that things began to change in terms of my affiliate income.
Below are some screen captures of affiliate commissions I’ve earned promoting high-ticket products.

How I’m Able to Make High-Ticket Affiliate Commissions
First, it began by learning high-income skills. I wanted to learn how to do high-ticket affiliate marketing so I searched for a legit coaching program and found this one.
Next, I chose a high-ticket affiliate product that I liked and that I felt confident in recommending to my target audience.
This product also offers a high commission (a minimum of $1,000 per sale.) If you really want to scale up your income, choose an affiliate program that offers a minimum of $500 per sale that you refer.
As I learned the skills, I immediately put them into action. I was able to earn as I learned. My online business looks like the following:

Essentially, it is a sales funnel and this funnel does 90% of the work for me. I don’t have to actually speak to anyone or personally sell anything.
I only need to drive traffic to my funnel and my funnel does all of the selling and converting for me.
If any of this seems overwhelming, don’t worry. You can learn high-ticket affiliate marketing the same way I did.
Click below to get started:
I sincerely hope that this post helps you out the next time you decide to apply to the Fashionphile affiliate program. What I recommend here is no guarantee that you will be approved, but it may help increase your chances.
When you are ready to scale up your affiliate income, consider learning high-ticket affiliate marketing. I’m glad I finally made the decision to learn high-income skills. It has made a big difference in my online business.
Wishing you much success in your online business journey!