Can MLM Nation Help You Make Your First $1000? [Simon Chan]

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Are you struggling in your MLM business? You are not alone. A lot of people struggle to make a regular income with multilevel marketing. That is where MLM Nation comes in.

MLM Nation is a website created by Simon Chan, a successful 7-figure earner. His mission with MLM Nation is to help you earn $1,000 a month in network marketing.

I am actually part of a network marketing company but have not been active with the business for a long time.

Who am I? My name is Eartha, author of this website and a full-time affiliate marketer (more on that later.) I enjoy researching products and services that relate to earning income online.

Like many people, I struggled with building my own team of distributors. I definitely understand the challenges.

In this MLM Nation review, I do some digging to find out if it is worth investing in any of the products offered on the website.

Keep reading until the end as I also share how I make a passive income online using a simple website and leveraging other people’s products.

  • Product Name: MLM Nation
  • Product Creator: Simon Chan
  • Product Price: $10 per month or $99 annually or $250 lifetime

How I Make $1,000 Per Sale

Hi! I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing has made it possible for me to make $1,000 – $2,000 for every sale that I refer. I never need my own product, I don’t have to buy any products, there is no customer service, and never any need to build a downline. Click the link below and I’ll share exactly how I do it:

What is MLM Nation?

MLM Nation is a website founded by a successful network marketer, Simon Chan. The purpose of the website is to help anyone make $1,000 a month in their MLM business.

Network marketers can find several options on the website to help them begin finding new prospects and building their own downline.

You can also easily access Simon’s podcast and blog. There is a ton of useful information that can be found in the podcast and blog sections.

The podcast is broadcasted weekly and features over 700 interviews with top leaders from all backgrounds.

I recommend checking these sections out first to get a better sense of who Simon is and what he has to offer in his programs.

He also has an active YouTube channel that has over 500 videos.

In essence, MLM Nation is Simon Chan’s business website that offers a range of services for beginner or struggling multilevel marketers.

Who is Simon Chan?

Simon has an interesting background and amazing success story as a network marketer.

He attended Columbia University and after graduating, he worked a dream job with the NBA (National Basketball Association.)

During his time working for the NBA, he became close friends with the first Chinese player to make it to the NBA, Wang Zhizhi.

Simon then became a certified NBA player agent and he represented Wang for a short period of time.

After reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, he decided that he needed to start a business of his own.

In 2003, Simon started his network marketing business. He chose to do MLM because it is a business that focuses on helping others.

Simon went on to build a global 7 figure business of over 200,000 distributors in over 18 countries.

He was able to accomplish this using online duplication strategies. He began doing online marketing for MLM in 2004 which led to an endless supply of motivated prospects.

What was genius is that Simon used his online duplication strategies to enter new markets every time his company opened in a new country.

He was able to build one of the biggest teams in Malaysia and the Philippines with 80,000 downlines in the Philippines alone. Amazing!

In 2013, Simon retired from building his MLM business and founded MLM Nation. He now focuses on coaching and training.

What Products Fall Under MLM Nation?

Currently, there are three different products that fall under MLM Nation. They include:

  • Purpose Driven Networkers Community
  • 1-On-1 Coaching
  • Social Media Workshop

I’ll briefly cover what each of these offers.

Purpose Driven Networkers Community

This training program offers a 5-step plan to land the next signup for your MLM business. It addresses all of the challenges that most new network marketers have.

Step 1: Prospect Together with Me

The first step is to prospect together with Simon. It works by following 11 sessions a week. The sessions are 15 minutes long and are spreadout throughout the day.

Follow the sessions to get more done in less time while being accountable.

Step 2: Get Your Questions Answered ASAP

Daily Q&A available inside the private Facebook Group. You can post a question anytime and Simon will personally get back to you.

Step 3: Watch the Lesson of the Day

These lessons are shared Monday through Friday and offer the latest strategies used by top leaders as well as providing insight into the mind of a top earner.

Step 4: Ultimate Online Duplication Vault

This consists of over 1,000 video trainings covering a wide range of topics. If you need help, simply do a search and find videos that can help you.

Step 5: “Feel Good Friday” Accountability

Each Friday you share your win of the week. The entire group helps support each other and hold each other accountable.

The price of Purpose Driven Networkers is really affordable. You have the option to pay $10 per month, $99 annually, or $250 for a lifetime membership.

There is also a 28-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

1-On-1 Coaching

If group coaching is not enough, you also have the option to apply for 90-day 1-on-1 coaching with Simon. Keep in mind that any type of 1-on-1 coaching is going to cost a lot more.

However, this type of training is often worth it for the mentorship and accountability aspect. All that you have to do is click on the coaching link in the top menu.

You’ll then be taken to an application form. There is no pricing listed for this coaching program but there is a question on the application asking how much you are willing to invest with options ranging from $500 to $10,000 and up.

That pricing should give you a range of what it is likely going to cost for 1-on-1 help.

Simon Chan’s 1-on-1 coaching focuses on 5-steps that include:

Step 1: Online Branding – Simon will help with online content so that people will know, like, trust, and buy from you.

Step 2: Lead Generation – You’ll learn step-by-step how to find good prospects for your business so that you’re not wasting your time.

Step 3: Presentation: – You will get help recording a personal video that you will send to your prospects to get more people to join you.

Step 4: Closing – Get guidance on real-life situations that you can adapt.

Step 5: Retention + Duplication: – Get help creating customized incentives and campaigns that will increase retention and duplication.

Social Media Workshop

This workshop is titled the B.Y.O.B Workshop (Build Your Own Business.) In this workshop, Simon will create social media content for you and prospect with you.

He states that you’ll get at least 5 interested prospects. The workshop is held on Zoom.

What is great about this workshop is that Simon will create 10 social media posts for you and help fill out a content calendar for you to follow.

When you register, you can select from a number of different dates and the registration fee is only $25.

How Much Does MLM Nation Cost?

Going to the website doesn’t cost anything. MLM Nation is a hub for Simon Chan’s products and services.

There is a lot of free information that you can listen to and read via his podcast and blog.

Who is MLM Nation For?

This website is for any beginner network marketer or anyone who is already part of an MLM and is struggling to earn income from their business.

Network marketers can find help in Simon’s free content as well as pay for any of his products like group coaching, 1-on-1 coaching, and social media workshop.

Simon also does speaking engagements. For example, if you already have a team of distributors, you can hire Simon for a speaking engagement to help motivate your team.

What is MLM DMO?

On the website, you’ll find a place to download a free DMO. It stands for Daily Method of Operation.

An MLM DMO is a daily routine of mandatory things you must do in your business to be successful.

The checklist is actually really helpful. It consists of:

  • Create 3 pieces of content a day
  • Meet 5 new contacts per day
  • Invite people to look at a presentation
  • Follow up with 5 prospects you sent invites to
  • Get 3 prospects to watch a video, attend a presentation, or a 3-way call

Simon says if you do this DMO for 21 days, your business and life will change. I don’t doubt that because as Simon says on his website, consistency is the #1 skill.

Is MLM Nation a Scam or Legit?

There is no reason to consider MLM Nation to be a scam. It is a legitimate website that offers valuable services to struggling network marketers.

What I like about MLM Nation is that all of the products are affordable. The 1-on-1 coaching service may be the most expensive option.

However, group coaching and social media workshops are all within most people’s budgets.

Compared to a lot of the MLM coaching products and services out there, MLM Nation is a bargain.

Final Thoughts On MLM Nation

After discovering what MLM Nation is and learning more about its founder, Simon Chan, I would actually recommend this website to other network marketers.

Simon has achieved amazing success with his own MLM business so you would be in good hands.

If I were interested in pursuing network marketing myself, I would likely attend one of his social media workshops or possibly enroll in group coaching.

I feel that Simon is offering great value at a reasonable price.

How I Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

Some people really enjoy running an MLM business. It was something that never clicked for me. I didn’t want to deal with the hassle of signing others up into my downline or working to retain those that did sign up.

Instead, I chose to pursue affiliate marketing which doesn’t involve any of the work that network marketing does.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another company’s products in exchange for a commission when sales are made.

You never need your own product. There is no shipping and handling to worry about and you don’t deal with any customer service. Best of all, you never have to sign up people in order to increase your income.

Here is how I run my business:

  1. Choose an interest
  2. Build a website
  3. Attract visitors
  4. Earn revenue

Let’s say for example that you love coffee. You drink it every day and you know how to brew the perfect cup.

You could then create a website related to coffee and write content that teaches people more about coffee.

Your content would be in the form of a blog post. You could write about different coffee beans, the best coffee makers, how to roast coffee beans, etc.

Then you could join an affiliate program like’s Amazon Associates. You could promote any of the coffee products on Amazon (and there are tons of them!) and each time someone clicks on your affiliate links to buy a product, your website makes money.

Here’s a screen capture of an affiliate commission I made from one affiliate program:

affiliate commissions

The sky really is the limit with affiliate marketing. It is my all time favorite online business model.

You can start today by following the exact training program I used to to create my first successful niche website. Click the button below to start:

I hope this review of MLM Nation has provided you with more insight into what it is about and how it can help. I wish you success in your future business endeavors!

Keep taking action!

Eartha 🙂

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