If you’re going to be doing any type of marketing online, copywriting is a necessary skill to develop. Perry Belcher knows this all too well as it is what took him from zero to millionaire.
Selling a product of your own or someone else’s product means being able to close the sale with words.
This can be a daunting task for many which is why I wanted to learn more about FIBS (Fill In The Blanks Copywriting System.)
Hey there! I’m Eartha the author of this blog and a full-time affiliate marketer. I like scouring the web for new products related to online business.
I hope this FIBS Perry Belcher review helps to dissect what this product is and if it is worth ordering. Let’s dive in!
- Product Name: FIBS (Fill In The Blanks System)
- Product Website: https://perrybelcher.com/fibs-2022-cb-free
- Product Creator: Perry Belcher
- Product Price: Free + shipping
Who is Perry Belcher?
Before we dive into what FIBS is, it’s important to understand who Perry Belcher is and his background.
Perry is a multimillion-dollar copywriter. He has written offers for his own products as well as for others across a variety of industries such as health supplements, printing services, industrial equipment, and more.
That wasn’t always the case. Perry was once broke and an eCommerce business failure. He was struggling but still had a dream to be a successful businessman.
One day he met another successful copywriter who developed a 10-step formula that could be used over and over again.
When internet marketing began to take off, Perry began practicing by writing offers. Some worked and some didn’t but he was able to become a millionaire in the process.
After a while, he began studying the original 10-step process and developed his own 21-step system.
Perry even admits to a big mistake he made in one of his other businesses. During the time when he was earning quite a bit, he launched a dietary supplement company.
However, he was not operating it properly according to government regulation which caused him to lose everything, leaving him $3 million dollars in debt, and almost losing his freedom.
He went back to what worked for him which was using his F.I.B.S system. He used his Fill In The Blanks System to rebuild his life.
Besides speaking at various events, you can also find Perry hosting Campfire – a community inside Spark by Clickbank.
How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hi there! My name is Eartha and I’m the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. I seek out ways to earn income line without my own product or having to personally sell anything.
One of the ways I am able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions is by recommending products with a high-ticket price that offer high commission rates.
If you are ready to level up your online income, click the link below:
What is FIBS?
FIBS stands for Fill In The Blanks System. It is a 21-step formula created by Perry Belcher. It is the same system he uses to write his own offers and earn millions by doing so.
They are laminated cheat sheets that you can “fill in the blanks” with by using dry-erase markers. You can also photocopy them if you prefer to write on paper.
The main purpose of the cheatsheets is to help you:
- Quickly research your offer topic to write copy for any niche easily.
- Create compelling stories using a story arc so that your readers stay engaged.
- Craft compelling headlines to capture your reader’s attention.
Perry says that you don’t have to be a great writer and you don’t have to like writing to use this system.
He has spent over 20 years perfecting it and has spent millions on trial-and-error creating the system.
The FIBS copywriting system consists of:
- Offer Research Map – A tool to uncover your prospects’ deepest desires.
- Headline Writing Formula – Create money-making headlines quickly and easily.
- Story Design Formula – Create stories that your prospects won’t be able to put down.
- Offer Crafting Formula – Use the template to craft an irresistible offer.
When you buy the FIBS system, you’ll also get basic membership into the FIBS community for an entire year.

Who is FIBS For?
This system is geared toward business owners, marketers, and aspiring copywriters. I think anyone that is selling a product online could benefit from this system.
For example, I’m an affiliate marketer. I don’t sell my own products but I promote other companies’ products.
I could benefit from FIBS by learning how to write better copy and headlines for my own landing pages.
I’m sure this would help anyone across all industries, even if you have a brick-and-mortar business and need more customers.
Sales pages work and they have been for a long time. Good copy makes all the difference in conversions.
Do You Need Your Own Product to Use FIBS?
Not at all. You could be a copywriter for someone else’s product. Perry Belcher made millions writing copy for other people’s businesses.
Good copywriters can earn six figures per year. Would the FIBS be enough for you to make a career out of copywriting?
Anything is possible. If anything, it is certainly another training tool that offers some valuable help for beginners.
I would even say that anyone who sells other people’s products could benefit from learning how to write good copy.
Take for example affiliate marketers or network marketers. Both business models don’t require you to have your own product. Yet, you still need to write compelling copy to sell another company’s products.
Even an eCommerce business could benefit from learning how to write copy. You have to have good product pages and they need copy to convince your visitors to buy your products.
How Much Does the Fill In The Blanks System Cost?
You can get the FIBS system for free plus shipping & handling. It is similar to a lot of other marketers that use the free book, just pay shipping model.
In essence, these free offers plus shipping are a way to get you into the product owner’s sales funnel to sell you on their more expensive offers.
It’s not to say the free product isn’t valuable. I think FIBS is absolutely worth it. It may be something that you end up using more than you think.
Plus, if Perry Belcher has an even better product on the backend of his funnel, you may be interested in that offer too.
Not only that, if you pay attention to how the sales funnel works, you can replicate it in your own business. This is what Russell Brunson (Clickfunnels founder) terms “funnel hacking.”
Is Fill In The Blanks System a Scam or Legit?
This product is definitely legit. There is nothing alerting me to being a scam. Perry Belcher is the real deal. You can do your own research about him.
I’m always fascinated by how others have made their fortunes in business. Being a million-dollar copywriter is amazing.
I wouldn’t have figured that copywriting could lead to wealth. I’ll admit, after reading the FIBS sales letter, I am interested in buying it myself.
Other Perry Belcher Products
Perry Belcher is a public speaker and runs his own events. He is also a co-founder of DigitalMarketer.com.
Digital Marketer offers training and tools that teach anyone how to become proficient in online marketing.
There are several courses to gain certification in including:
- Digital Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Analytics & Data Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Community Management Mastery
- Copywriting Mastery
- Paid Traffic Mastery
- Social Media Mastery
- Optimization & Testing Mastery
- Conversion Funnel Mastery
- Search Marketing Mastery
There is also a coaching program called ELITE that offers a year-long coaching program. Pricing for ELITE is $4,995 or 12-monthly payments of $495.
Final Thoughts On Fill In The Blanks System
After completing research on this product and Perry Belcher, I have to say that it is a great offer.
I think FIBS is ideal for internet marketers, anyone with a product to sell (physical or digital), and copywriters who want to learn some new techniques.
You can’t beat the price (free plus shipping costs.) I also like the idea of the pages coming already laminated which will protect them and enable you to write on them using dry-erase markers.
It never hurts to learn something new, especially something as valuable as copywriting. You never know when you may need to write copy yourself.
Hiring a legit copywriter is expensive and having even a little bit of skills in this area can go a long way.
How I Make Steady Income Online Writing Simple Blog Posts
I am by no means a great writer but I use what I write to make a steady income online. I do this by making simple websites (called niche websites) and recommending other companies products.
This is what’s referred to as affiliate marketing and it is one of the best online business models around.
I write blog posts that attract free targeted web visitors who are highly likely to buy the products that I recommend.
It is a simple online business model that works like this:
- Choose an interest (cooking, biking, parenting, you name it!)
- Create a website (a simple WordPress website will do)
- Attract free visitors with your content
- Earn income promoting affiliate products
Anyone can do this. It’s low-cost, low-risk, and a long-term online business model. It is how I got started and what I continue to do today.
Here is a screenshot of an affiliate commission I received from one affiliate program:

When I got started, I needed help. I searched for a legitimate online training program and found this one.
Following that training and applying everything that I learned helped me to quit a lousy retail job to work on my website full-time.
You can follow the same exact training. Click the button below to start today:
Yours in success,
Eartha 🙂