The Lululemon Affiliate Program

This post may contain affiliate links. I will earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you buy a product using my links. Thank you for your support!

Lululemon is a popular athletic apparel brand that is known for its quality and style. They have several physical locations as well as an online store. Their products are high-quality and high-priced. As an affiliate marketer, you can make great commissions from the Lululemon affiliate program.

The Lululemon affiliate program is an opportunity for individuals in the health & fitness niche to earn income promoting Lululemon products. With the wide variety of products and the well-known brand, affiliates can generate a lucrative income.

In this post, I will cover what the affiliate program offers as well as some strategies for earning income from it.

How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

How’s it going? I’m Eartha, the author of this blog and an affiliate marketer. I enjoy sharing different affiliate programs in different niches as well as ways to help boost affiliate income.

One of the ways I’ve been able to boost my affiliate income is by promoting high-ticket affiliate products. High-ticket affiliate marketing is a great way to scale up your affiliate income.

Here’s how I was able to go from making low-ticket commissions to high-ticket commissions of $1K or more:

Overview of the Lululemon Affiliate Program

Joining the Lululemon affiliate program is simple. They offer two options depending on the type of content that you create.

You can either choose between the media, editorial publications, bloggers, or social media content creators options.

Lululemon affiliate program options

Each option takes you through a different application process. The blogger option has you apply through Awin affiliate marketing network. The social media content creators option takes you to CreatorIQ.

If you are a complete beginner to affiliate marketing or you are new to the fitness niche, you’ll have to decide which type of content you want to create.

Going the blog route is safer than social media content in terms of not having to worry about your account being closed for any reason.

Also, a blog can generate traffic for years whereas, with social media, you have to post new content constantly to stay top of mind with your target audience.

Or, you can do both if you have the time to create content for both. Many people prefer social media content creation because you can focus on creating short-form content that consists of 30-second to 1-minute videos.

These videos can be posted as Instagram reels and repurposed on other platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

The Lululemon Commission Rate

The commission rate for the Lululemon affiliate program is 7%. It’s not a very high commission rate so you would need to be sending a lot of targeted traffic to their website to make a decent income.

Click here to learn how I make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions online

Personally, I prefer promoting affiliate products that offer a much higher commission.

For example, I promote a product that has a $1,000 commission rate. It takes the same amount of time and effort to promote a high-ticket product as it does a low-ticket product.

It is also much faster to scale up your affiliate income when you promote high-ticket affiliate products.

If your goal is to make $5,000 per month, you would only need to sell 5 products that have a $1K commission versus 100 products with a low-ticket commission.

Why Join the Lululemon Affiliate Program?

Compared to other fitness wear brands, Lululemon’s popularity and reputation make it easier to promote their products.

They carry a wide range of athletic apparel and accessories and appeal to various fitness niches.

The main reason why Lululemon is so popular is thanks to the quality, durability, and style of its products. When you buy one of their products, you know you are getting a high-quality piece of clothing.

Since most people recognize the Lululemon brand, the conversion rate is likely high. Shoppers like to buy from companies they are familiar with.

Earning Potential and Success Tips

There are many affiliates that do quite well in the fitness niche and chances are there are several that are earning a lucrative income with the Lululemon affiliate program.

The key to promoting any affiliate product is to create engaging content. Whether you are blogging or posting on social media, content creation is essential.

Another factor is the know, like, and trust factor. That means building trust with your audience so that they like you.

Therefore, if you create content that helps your target audience by providing some type of value, it establishes trust.

For example, let’s say you buy a product from Lululemon and you create a genuine product review.

You talk about the fit, how well the product works, what you didn’t like about the product, and so on.

When you do this, your audience will have no problem clicking on your affiliate link and making a purchase.

That is because you’ve put so much effort into creating a thorough product review that helps answer the questions of your target audience.

How I Make $1,000 – $2,000 Affiliate Commissions

Although there is a great opportunity in recommending Lululemon products, when it comes to low-ticket affiliate offers, it is difficult to scale up your income.

As an affiliate, you’re constantly in need of a steady flow of targeted traffic to make steady commissions.

When you’re promoting low-ticket offers, your income is likely to fluctuate greatly as you need hundreds of referrals per month versus promoting a high-ticket offer.

For example, let’s say you are promoting a low-ticket affiliate offer where the average commission is around $30 and your goal is to make $5K per month.

It would require around 167 paying referrals each month to reach your goal.

However, if you promote a high-ticket offer where your minimum commission is $1,000, you would only need to make 5 sales per month to reach your goal.

That is a big difference and it’s much easier to make 5 paying referrals versus 167!

What is Possible with High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing

Below is a screen capture of one affiliate commission I’ve made from a high-ticket affiliate offer:

affiliate commission
affiliate commission

The above was made possible by focusing on one affiliate offer, focusing on one traffic source, and being consistent with content creation.

Of course, I did not figure out how to do it on my own. I followed this course and it made all of the difference for me.

If you’re ready to level up your affiliate income, click the button below:


I think the Lululemon affiliate program is an ideal option for any affiliate in the health & fitness niche. It is a well-known brand and will likely have high conversion rates.

Earning a steady income is possible, however, it may be difficult to maintain as low-ticket products require hundreds of new paying referrals each month.

Besides that, it is also challenging to scale up your affiliate income with low-ticket offers. Whereas high-ticket affiliate offers can help you reach your monthly income goals faster.

Learn how I went from working a 40+ hour per week retail job to earning $1K – $2K affiliate commissions

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