7 Geek Affiliate Programs You Can Make Money With

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The geek and nerd niche is one that you can always count on when it comes to making affiliate commissions. The following geek affiliate programs offer some awesome products that nerds and sci-fi geeks will find difficult to pass up.

Making consistent commissions with these affiliate programs can be accomplished in a number of ways. However, in this post, I will explain how I’d go about making consistent sales.


How’s it going? I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. I share different affiliate programs and ways to help boost affiliate income. Click the link below and I’ll share how I’m able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:

Geek Affiliate Programs

  • Geek Store
  • MyGeekBox
  • Super Hero Stuff
  • MyComicShop
  • Right Stuf Anime
  • Udacity
  • O’Reilly
geek affiliate programs - keyboard with a storm trooper

1. Geek Store

The Geek Store is exactly what the name implies. It is a store with products for geeks. They offer officially licensed movies, TV, comic book, and gaming goods from all of the biggest brands.

They offer fast worldwide shipping and 365-day returns. Their affiliate program is managed by Rakuten and offers 5% commission and a 30-day cookie length. The average order value is $60.

2. MyGeekBox

This online retailer carries all types of geeky goodies including clothing, bags & accessories, collectibles, homeware, and more.

You can find geek brands for Disney, Marvel, DC, NASA, and many others. The affiliate program is managed through Awin and offers a variety of commissions. The cookie length is 30 days.

  • URL: https://www.mygeekbox.us/affiliates.list
  • Commission: $7.50 – 1 month subscription, 3-month subscription, $15 – 6 month subscription, $30 – 12 month subscription, 6% on all other sales
  • Cookie Length: 30 days

3. Super Hero Stuff

This is a store that I personally enjoy as I am a big fan of Marvel and DC superhero characters. They carry almost everything that you can imagine such as pajamas, hats, jewelry, shirts, cufflinks, wallets, underwear, and more.

The affiliate program is managed by ShareASale and offers a 10% starting commission with a 30-day cookie length. You can bet that you’ll receive some great conversions if you target the superhero fan niche.

4. MyComicShop

If you want to get into the comic book niche, MyComicShop is a great company to affiliate with. They’ve been selling comics since 1961 and have been online since 1996.

The affiliate program appears to be managed in-house and offers a 10% commission rate or 15% credit toward your account. This affiliate program would be a great supplement to another program like Super Hero Stuff above.

5. Right Stuf Anime

Anime has a very large fanbase and Right Stuf Anime carries a wide variety of products including videos, manga & books, figures & collectibles, apparel, merchandise, and more.

Fans of anime are sure to convert when browsing this website. The affiliate program is managed by ShareASale and offers up to 8% commissions with a 30-day cookie length.

6. Udacity

This company provides tech education to help people advance in their careers. They offer programs in programming & development, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data science, business, and autonomous systems.

The affiliate program is managed by Impact and offers $25 per order with a 30-day cookie length. There are many programmers that are wanting to move up in their career fields and obtaining new skills in the tech industry is one way to achieve this.

7. O’Reilly

When you think of programming and IT books, O’Reilly is one of the first companies that comes to mind. They have been in business for over 40 years and their books have been the go-to resource for programming and IT education.

I’ve owned several O’Reilly books over the years from my time as a web developer. Their affiliate program is managed by CJ Affiliate and offers 5% commission for qualified online learning memberships.

How to Promote Geek Affiliate Products with a Niche Website

Now that you have decided on the geek niche, how can you begin making consistent income with these geek affiliate programs? I struggled with making affiliate sales for years.

It wasn’t until I created a niche website that I began earning affiliate commissions on a regular basis. Niche websites are one of the best ways to make steady sales.

When I got started, I didn’t have a clue how to make money with a niche website. I purposely searched for an online training program and found this one.

The training is what helped me to finally make money with a blog. There are some basic things that you’ll need to do.

Choosing a Niche That You Genuinely Like

In this case, you likely want to create a niche website in the geek niche. I recommend choosing a niche that you have a genuine interest in because you will be creating a lot of content for your website.

If you don’t like the niche, you will have a difficult time writing new blog posts for it. I’ve made that mistake many times in the past. I’d create a new website in a niche I had little interest in.

I’d abandon the website after about 3 months’ time. It is a common occurrence for many new niche website owners.

Let’s assume that you really do like the geek and nerd niche. You should have no problem creating some great content for your website.

Niche Down Further

If there is a particular subniche within the overall geek niche that you like even more, that may be the way to go.

One subniche that comes to mind is tabletop games. Let’s say that you are a big player of tabletop games. You have a large collection and buy new ones all of the time.

In fact, you could talk about these games ALL of the time. Bingo! That is your niche. You could do game reviews, write tutorials about specific games, and more.

Join affiliate programs that may sell these games and earn commissions by adding your affiliate links to your posts.

Here is a YouTube video I created that also highlights another common mistake beginners make when choosing a niche:

Writing Your Content

If you haven’t realized by now, your website content is your key to receiving targeted web traffic and making steady sales.

Before I write any new piece of content, I do some keyword research. This is as simple as opening up Google search and using its autosuggest feature.

Think about what your niche audience and what they would likely type into a search engine.

Begin typing in these keyword phrases and using Google’s autosuggest features to generate new blog post ideas.

As far as how often you write your new content, I suggest 1 to 2 times per week at a bare minimum. If you can do more, even better.

Even when I had a full-time job, I managed to write 3 to 5 posts per week. I was highly motivated. My content production is still pretty high but do what works for you. The key is being consistent.

My Closing Thoughts On Geek Affiliate Programs

There are plenty of other geek affiliate programs out there for you to consider. I hope the list above provides you with a great starting point.

Niche websites are a great way to generate consistent affiliate commissions. It is how I got my start and what I continue to do today.

If you are ready to level up your affiliate earnings, consider following the same step-by-step training program that I followed.

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