Can You Make Money as a Fiverr Affiliate? [Review]

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I used to do freelance work on Fiverr several years ago. It is a great way to earn some extra cash. There are those that make a full-time income on Fiverr. In this Fiverr affiliate review, I’ll cover how you can make money as an affiliate.

One thing that makes it difficult for people to make money on Fiverr is the competition. You really have to make yourself stand out in order to get customers.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from the platform without having to do freelance work. Fiverr’s affiliate program offers great commissions as well.

Fiverr Affiliate Program Overview

  • URL:
  • fiverr services – $15 to $50
  • fiverr pro – $150 CPA
  • learn. (courses) – 30%
  • AND.CO (app for managing freelance and studio businesses) – 30%

There are no referral limits and you have lifetime attribution.

Ready to make consistent affiliate commissions? Learn how I make a consistent income online with affiliate marketing. Click here to learn how I did it.

Fiverr Affiliate Program Review

You likely already know how Fiverr works so I won’t spend a lot of time on it. Fiverr enables people to earn income with their skillsets.

Customers can hire people on Fiverr for all types of work. Some of this work includes graphic design, voice over work, article writing, translation, programming, animation, marketing, and more.

As you can imagine, tons of people require these types of services which makes the affiliate program even more attractive.

Fiverr’s Commission Plan

Fiverr offers services, pro services, courses, and the AND.CO app. Keep in mind that these commissions are for the FTB (first-time buyer). That means your referrals must be new customers to Fiverr in order to earn a commission.

The commissions are as follows:

  • fiverr services – $15 to $50
  • fiverr pro – $150 CPA
  • learn. (courses) – 30%
  • AND.CO (app for managing freelance and studio businesses) – 30%

Fiverr services offer different commissions based on the category chosen.

$50 Commission

  • Whiteboard and animated explainers
  • Website builders & CMS
  • Ecommerce
  • Game development

$40 Commission

  • WordPress
  • Lyric & music videos
  • 3D models and product design
  • Presentation design

$30 Commission

  • Web & mobile design
  • Data analysis & reports
  • Mobile apps & web
  • Spokesperson videos
  • Slideshows & promo videos
  • Research & summaries
  • Business copywriting

$25 Commission

  • Articles & blog posts
  • Creative writing
  • Translation
  • Voice over
  • Illustration
  • Branding services

$15 Commission

  • All other categories

How to Best Promote Fiverr for Affiliate Commissions

working on laptops - fiverr affiliate review

My favorite way to promote any affiliate product is to do so by creating a niche website. A niche website (blog) requires content creation.

It is a low-cost and effective way to earn affiliate commissions. When I decided to pursue affiliate marketing seriously, I chose to build a niche website.

At the time, I didn’t know much about how to do so. I searched for a reputable affiliate marketing training program and found this one.

I implemented what I learned on my own website and it helped me to achieve the success I have today.

My favorite thing about niche websites (besides earning commissions) is that once you’ve learned what you need to know, you can repeat the process with other niche websites.

Types of Niches to Promote Fiverr

If you need help figuring out a niche in which to promote Fiverr’s service, simply take a look at their categories.

They have categories such as graphics & design, digital marketing, writing & translation, video & animation, music & audio, programming & tech, business, lifestyle, and industries.

Browse what is available under each of these categories. Ask yourself who could benefit from these services?

Here are some ideas to help you brainstorm:

Small Businesses

You can create a niche website that addresses the needs of small business owners. They are often in need of a logo, a website, business cards, marketing, and more. All of these services are available on Fiverr for low pricing.


There are many YouTubers that create videos but have no idea how to edit them. You could create a niche website related to growing a YouTube channel and recommend Fiverr for video editing.

Aspiring Business Owners

There are people seeking to start their own businesses whether online or brick-and-mortar. They may need market research, virtual assistants, web programming, and eCommerce development. You could choose a business and talk about starting out in that particular business.

Real Estate Agents

All real estate agents need graphic work done. They require business cards, flyers, brochures, door knockers, websites, and more. Most of their marketing needs can be outsourced to Fiverr. You could create a niche website that teaches agents how to outsource their marketing tasks.

The amount of niches that you can approach is nearly unlimited. Take some time to jot down some ideas and then pick a niche that you have an interest in.

Starting Your Own Niche Website

I build all of my niche websites using a self-hosted WordPress website. All that you need is a domain name, web hosting, and WordPress installed.

You can get everything that you need with any commercial web hosting company. A2Hosting is a great option and they can pre-install WordPress on your account for you.

Create Helpful Content

No matter what your niche, you will need to create helpful content for your niche audience. That means doing a bit of keyword research and addressing the questions and concerns of your readers.

You can write your own articles or you can outsource it to a freelance writer. If you do not have a budget, I recommend writing all of your content yourself.

All of this can be a bit overwhelming if you are new to niche websites. That is why I recommend the training program that I started with and still am a part of today.

There are things that you’ll need to learn to have a successful niche website to include things such as:

  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Keyword research
  • Writing for conversions
  • Creating convincing call-to-actions

Is Fiverr Worth Promoting as an Affiliate?

I say definitely yes! They offer great commissions and there is such a wide range of people that can use the services offered on the platform.

The commissions offered for services and Fiverr Pro are great. By targeting the right audience with a niche website, there is no reason you couldn’t earn regular commissions.

Another reason to promote Fiverr is that it is a popular resource for outsourcing work. People can hire freelancers at a low rate of $5 and up.

My Closing Thoughts On My Fiverr Affiliate Review

Fiverr has a great affiliate program. Your commissions are based on first-time buyers only. However, there are many people that have yet to use the service.

There are many types of niches that you can target that can benefit from the services offered on Fiverr.

Niche websites are what I use to earn a consistent income online through affiliate marketing.

It is one of the best ways to earn affiliate commissions. I make commissions while I am sleeping, out grocery shopping, or relaxing with my loved ones.

Beginners may find it a bit challenging to get started. I did as well so I followed a step-by-step training program.

That training program made all of the difference for me and I use it today to help others one-on-one with creating and growing their own niche websites.

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