4 Dental Guard Affiliate Programs for Making Money in the Bruxism Niche

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Teeth grinding is a common problem for many people. Grinding one’s teeth while sleeping can cause dental problems. You can recommend helpful products to this niche with these dental guard affiliate programs.

According to Wikipedia, bruxism is prevalent in 8% to 31% of the general population. Many people that grind their teeth in their sleep have no idea they are doing so.

Once they find out, it is important to most people to protect their teeth as much as they can.

Many people turn to using dental guards while they sleep to help prevent any further damage to their teeth.

The below affiliate programs offer some great products that you can promote.

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Dental Guard Affiliate Programs

  • Impact Custom Mouthguards
  • Pro Teeth Guard
  • Brux Night Guard
  • SISU Mouthguards
Learn how I went from zero to consistent affiliate commissions every month. Click here to learn how I did it.

Impact Custom Mouthguards

This company is a family-owned custom mouthguard manufacturer. They specialize in mouthguards for athletes and teeth grinders.

The company sends you a molding kit for your teeth that you send back in order to create your mouthguard.

Customers also have the option to keep their mold on file for reorders.

The Impact Custom Mouthguards affiliate program offers a 20% commission rate.

Pro Teeth Guard

Custom dental guards are quite popular but ordering them through a dentist is expensive. Dentist often charge anywhere from $400 to $800 for a custom dental guard.

Pro Teeth Guard is a lab that many dentists send their client’s teeth impressions to in order to have a custom mouthguard made.

Now people that need a custom dental guard can bypass the dentist and go directly to the source such as Pro Teeth Guard.

The company mails out an impression kit to you, you follow the instructions to create the molds of your teeth, then you ship it back.

Your custom dental guard is created and mailed to you for a fraction of the cost.

The Pro Teeth Guard affiliate program is managed in-house and offers a 15% commission. The average order value is $180.

Brux Night Guard

This night guard was made for teeth grinders by teeth grinders. It is an excellent option for those that don’t like the feel of custom dental guards and over-the-counter mouthguards.

The Brux Night Guard can be molded to your teeth over and over so that you always have a custom fit. Best of all, these night guards average around $60 which can save a lot of money.

The Brux Night Guard is managed by ShareASale and offers a 20% commission and 60-day cookie length.

SISU Mouthguards

The SISU company specializes in custom-fit sport mouthpieces. However, they also create night guards for bruxism.

Their night guards are not the type that are custom fit and sent to a lab. Rather, they are the boil and mold type and can be re-molded up to 20 times.

The SISU affiliate program is managed in-house and offers a 10% commission rate.

How to Make Money with Dental Guard Affiliate Programs

Now that you know there is a definite market for the teeth grinding (bruxism) niche, it is time to learn how to make money from these affiliate programs.

One of the best ways and the method that I use and recommend is to create a niche blog.

A niche blog focuses on one specific topic. In this case, it would be teeth grinding.

By writing blog posts related to teeth grinding and solutions, you can easily recommend any of the products listed above.

I found success as an affiliate marketer when I created a niche blog. It wasn’t easy for me in the beginning because I didn’t know what I was doing.

Rather than waste time trying to figure things out on my own, I searched for an online training program and found this one.

I put into action what I learned there and I was able to create a blog that earns income. Now I own multiple niche blogs repeating the process of what I learned.

That is the beauty of niche blogs. Once you learn how to make money with one, you can repeat the process as many times as you want.

Start Your Own Niche Blog

If you are interested in starting your own niche blog in the dental guard niche, you’ll be glad to know that there isn’t much that you need to get started.

All that you need is a self-hosted WordPress website. WordPress is free and you can get it set up with any web hosting provider.

The last thing you’ll need is your own domain name. Most web hosting providers can register your domain, set up your hosting, and also have WordPress one-click software installation.

I recommend SiteGround hosting as they are one of the hosting companies recommended by WordPress.

The next you’ll need is to install a WordPress theme. I use GeneratePress for all of my blogs. They have a free version but I recommend upgrading to Premium for more features.

What You Can Write About

You may be wondering what you could write about with a niche blog in the dental guard niche.

That is where keyword research comes in. Let your niche tell you what to write about.

There are people searching everyday about teeth grinding, dental guards, and more.

All that you have to do is open up Google Search and begin typing in keyword phrases related to your niche.

Here are some ideas from a quick search that I did:

  • what is the best night guard for teeth grinding
  • signs of grinding teeth at night
  • what is a dental night guard
  • how to clean dental guard

If you grind your teeth like I do, it will be even easier to write blog posts. Having a personal interest in your niche makes blogging more enjoyable.

I’ve had the best success in niches I’ve genuinely liked.

Maintaining Your Niche Blog

A blog is easy to start and easy to maintain. The hard part is staying consistent.

It is easy to slack off when you have the option to write at your convenience.

That being said, your blog’s success is up to you. The more time and effort you put into it, the higher your chance of success.

I recommend writing at least 1 to 2 new blog posts per week. That is doable even with a busy schedule.

Since I do this full-time now, I split my time between a few niche blogs. Sometimes I write 2 to 3 post per day across my blogs.

Content brings web traffic. Not every blog post that you write will be a winner in terms of web traffic.

However, more often than not, most of your posts will bring you targeted web traffic.

Closing Thoughts On the Dental Guard Niche

I think that promoting dental guards is an awesome niche to be in as an affiliate marketer.

You can create a niche blog focusing on bruxism (teeth grinding) and recommend the various dental guards in which you are an affiliate of.

Are you ready to level up your affiliate earnings? I recommend following the same step-by-step training program I followed when I got started.

Ready to make money with a blog? Learn how I went from zero to consistent affiliate commissions every month. Click here to learn how I did it.

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