The Commission League is one of the current popular high-ticket products sold in the Clickbank marketplace. High-ticket also means high commissions. In this Commission League affiliate review, I will go over how much you can make and what the product is about.
The Commission League is a done-for-you system that automates the process of building email lists in order to promote affiliate products. Users are provided with automated opt-in landing pages and autoresponder messages.
There is a bit more to this system that I will cover below.
- Website:
- Creator: Mike Balmaceda
- Price: $997
- Average Sale: $305
- Commission: 40%
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How The Commission League Works

The first thing to know about The Commission League is that it was created by Mike Balmaceda. I have never heard of Mike until I researched this product.
Mike runs a digital marketing agency called AMPLIFY that specializes in marketing for online businesses.
The Commission League is a product that helps affiliate marketers to start making commissions by promoting affiliate products using email marketing.
The system does a bulk of the work in terms of squeeze pages, setting up an autorepsonder, and generating email messages.
Users are taught how to drive traffic to their squeeze pages by buying solo ads. Solo ads are questionable for their effectiveness.
Essentially, you pay money to others with large mailing lists to send an email on your behalf. Supposedly a percentage of people that receive the message click through to your squeeze page or sales page and buy.
However, it is known that many solo ad lists are ineffective in terms of marketing. It can be expensive to send messages which is an expense many new affiliate marketers cannot afford.
Despite the method recommended for driving traffic, those new to affiliate marketing may like having an email marketing system set up for them as it is a confusing process for beginners.
The system does include some bonuses such as a free autoresponder and free targeted subscribers for their initial email list. How effective the free list is, is the question.
The Commission League Affiliate Review
As for the affiliate program, it is managed by Clickbank which means creating a Clickbank account if you do not have one already.
The product is not whitelisted so you can grab your affiliate link right away. Simply search for “The Commission League” under Clickbank’s marketplace.
The affiliate program offers a 40% commission. The product price is $997 with an average sale of $305.
What Makes Me Wary
What makes me wary about promoting this product is the possible refunds. In all honesty, this product hasn’t received stellar reviews. Even I question the solo ad aspect of this product.
I know that some user reviews are biased but I’ve experienced refunds on Clickbank products multiple times.
I’ve even bought products on Clickbank and refunded because the quality was bad or simply not offering the value that was promoted.
Another reason is longevity. Many products come and go on the Clickbank platform. I am in favor of promoting products and services that will be around a long time.
It makes it worth the time and effort of promoting evergreen products.
High-Ticket Commissions
Of course, the big draw to promoting The Commission League is earning an average of $300 per sale. By targeting the right people (in this case, new affiliate marketers) you can make nice commissions.
Five sales per month is already $1,500 which is a nice extra income for promoting one product.
It isn’t any more difficult to promote a high-ticket item versus a low-ticket one. It all requires the same amount of effort which is why some people focus solely on high-ticket products.
Ways to Promote The Commission League
There are so many ways to go about promoting a product like this. First, you’ll need to choose your niche audience. In this case, it would be those new to online businesses or new/intermediate affiliate marketers.
Next is deciding on how to promote this product. Clickbank products are often promoted in this manner:
- Create a squeeze page
- Drive traffic to that squeeze page
- Build an email list
- Promote products to that email list
It really isn’t much different than what The Commission League does, the only difference is they automate it which makes it easy for beginners.
The driving traffic part is what gets expensive as you will have to pay for advertising on PPC networks or Facebook ads, etc.
Generate Free Traffic with SEO
Another option is to generate free traffic using search engine optimization. This is how I operate my online business. I create niche websites and create helpful content that attracts my niche audience.
SEO doesn’t work nearly as fast as using paid advertising but the traffic is free and once your website gets traffic, it can begin making money.
I had to learn how to create niche websites so when I became serious about affiliate marketing, I searched for a training program. I found this one and it helped me to get to where I am today making consistent commissions.
There are a lot of benefits to starting a niche website regardless of other marketing methods you use already. They can include:
- Extremely low-cost to start (usually under $50)
- Convenient (work when you want)
- Easy to maintain
- Fun when you choose a niche you like
- Make multiple niche sites to build a portfolio
- Monetize your site in any number of ways (ads, affiliate marketing, etc.)
Getting started with a niche website is easy. Once you’ve chosen a niche, all that you need is a domain name, web hosting, and WordPress.
I always recommend using a self-hosted WordPress website. You can get everything that you need with any commercial web hosting provider.
I use WPX Hosting for their speed, fast support, and stellar reviews. I also like their admin area.
My Closing Thoughts On This Commission League Affiliate Review
As far as high-ticket products go, The Commission League is providing the tools and help necessary for new or intermediate affiliate marketers to start making commissions.
It is based on email marketing which has a learning curve all its own. What is nice is that the system sets it all up for you and includes a free autoresponder as well.
The price is high and whether or not it is worth it, I am not sure. However, if you are seeking a high-ticket product in the make money online niche, this may fit the bill.
There is a plethora of affiliate products and services that you can promote. Consider making consistent affiliate commissions by creating a niche website.
Niche websites are what I use to earn a consistent income online through affiliate marketing.
It is one of the best ways to earn affiliate commissions. I make commissions while I am sleeping, out grocery shopping, or relaxing with my loved ones.
Beginners may find it a bit challenging to get started. I did as well so I followed a step-by-step training program.
That training program made all of the difference for me and I use it today to help others one-on-one with creating and growing their own niche websites.