High-Ticket Coaching [Clients & Community Overview]

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High-ticket coaching is really trending right now. I can’t scroll through my Instagram account without coming across ads for becoming a high-ticket coach or for growing your client base.

It is so alluring because the ads talk about students of the programs earning $10K a month or more. Needless to say, those results probably aren’t typical.

Clients & Community is one such training program that I came across that helps coaches, consultants, and course creators generate new clients using a Facebook group.

It’s an effective strategy that I’ve seen other internet marketers use to grow their businesses. I’ll highlight what Clients & Community is about, who created it, as well as an alternative business model to high-ticket coaching.

  • Product Name: Clients & Community
  • Product Creators: Landon Stewart & Chris Stapleton
  • Product Price: Not immediately disclosed

Read Next: How I was able to quit a full-time retail job by creating a simple website and recommending other people’s products. Click here to learn how.

Who Are Landon Stewart & Chris Stapleton?

When I did some research on Landon and Chris, I found YouTube video interviews as far back as 2016. They have years of experience with virtual coaching and client acquisition.

According to one of their landing pages, both Chris and Landon worked low-paying jobs while trying to find success online.

Fortunately, they found a mentor by the name of Mark Hoverson who created a multi-million dollar online business.

Mark mentored both Chris and Landon. Eventually, they began virtual coaching and reached the $20K per month mark within 90-days.

Today, they help others enter into the virtual coaching industry and have helped over 300 people thus far.

How Clients & Community Works

Clients & Community is an online training program that teaches high-ticket coaches, consultants, and course creators how to generate 40 – 60+ high-ticket clients per month using a Facebook group.

Chris and Landon have managed to grow their own successful Facebook group to $400,000 per month in less than 9-months starting with zero members.

One of the strategies they use for growth is Facebook ads. The ads run and lead visitors to their Facebook group.

From there, you can keep members engaged by posting high-value content. However, they do state that posting too much content inside your group may actually hurt your chances of landing clients.

Who is Clients & Community For?

This training program is for coaches, consultants, and course creators. They’ve helped coaches in a variety of industries to include:

  • Real Estate
  • Fitness / Weight Loss
  • SEO Services
  • Credit Repair
  • Insurance Agents
  • Spirituality
  • Small Business
  • and many more

Is Clients & Community a Scam Product?

There is nothing about the product creators or the training that signals a scam. While there is no price for the training listed on the website, be sure that it is going to be high-ticket.

After all, that is what they teach, right? When it comes to paying high-ticket for any training, it better deliver. I don’t doubt that this training does.

They’ve received 4 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot. Most reviewers provided high praise for the training as well as the customer service.

Pros & Cons of High-Ticket Coaching

The thought of pulling in $10K – $20K per month or more is enough for most people to say, “Hey, I’ll be a virtual coach. Where do I sign up?”

While there are plenty of courses out there that teach how to run a high-ticket coaching business, Clients & Community is a bit different.

They teach how to generate new clients for your coaching business.

Even still, being a virtual coach isn’t for everyone. If you don’t have a desire to genuinely help people, this probably isn’t the business model for you.

Here are some things to consider:

Non-Stop Selling

You are your brand so you have to put yourself out there every day. This may mean posting a lot on social media platforms, running a YouTube channel, doing live videos, etc.

You Must Be Comfortable Teaching

Although a lot of the coaching courses out there entice you with their student success stories, don’t simply go into this for the money. If you are not comfortable teaching others, it will be a struggle for you.

Offer Something of High-Value

Whatever niche you go in as a coach, you need to offer a high-value product. Otherwise, you’ll deal with negative reviews and high refund rates.

Besides learning how to do high-ticket coaching, there are also courses that teach you how to be a high-ticket closer as well. Also, be sure to check out the Richard Yu remote setting course.

Alternative Online Business Model

High-ticket coaching isn’t for me. It isn’t a business model I’m comfortable with. However, with the right training, I’m sure I could do it.

My favorite online business model doesn’t involve having to deal with people at all. In fact, if you are an introvert, you’d probably love the business I’m about to share.

It’s called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another company’s products and/or services in exchange for a commission when a sale is made.

Everything is done online. Some of the best benefits of affiliate marketing include:

  • You never need your own product
  • Never anything to store, pack, or ship
  • No customer service hassles
  • Work from anywhere with a WiFi connection
  • Unlimited earning potential
  • Lifestyle freedom & time freedom
  • Millions of affiliate products to promote
  • Choose any niche you want to be in

A lot of bloggers and YouTubers earn income online with affiliate marketing. Have you ever watched a YouTube video about a product review?

Chances are the product they are reviewing is linked below the video to buy and chances are even greater it is an affiliate link.

That means when someone clicks on the link and buys the product, the YouTube channel owner makes a commission.

How I Run My Online Business

You don’t have to have a YouTube channel to do affiliate marketing. All that you need is a website.

When I got started with affiliate marketing, I set up a WordPress website. I did that because I didn’t have a lot of start-up cash and I needed a low-cost business to start.

I was also dealing with a job layoff at the time so I wanted to learn how to make money with a website without wasting time learning it on my own.

Fortunately, I found this training program and it helped me make progress much faster. I took action on everything that I learned.

After 15-months of starting my website, I was able to quit a retail job that I took to work on my website full-time.

Niche Website Creation

My business model is based on niche websites. A niche website is essentially a blog that focuses on one specific topic.

You can choose any niche that you want. For example, my favorite topic is affiliate marketing and online businesses.

After you’ve chosen a niche, you find affiliate products to promote on your website in order to make commissions when anyone buys the products that you recommend.

Your biggest investment with a niche website will be your time spent creating content (blog posts.)

I write blog posts every day because I do this full-time. However, if you are currently working, you can write when you have the time to do so.

Create content based on the questions and concerns of your niche audience. You can figure this out by doing a quick Google Search and using the autosuggest feature:

search for drone questions

It is my content that attracts free targeted web visitors to my websites. When this happens, my websites have the potential to earn income.

I never have to pay for ads. This business model is long-term and can last for years to come.

To give you an idea of what is possible, here is a screen capture of one of the affiliate commissions I’ve earned online:

affiliate commission

Summing Up

Overall, I think Clients & Community may be a good solution if you are already in the coaching, consulting, or course creating business.

Obtaining new clients is the key to these types of businesses so learning how to master that is important.

Remember, there is more than one way to succeed with an online business. Do your research and figure out what’s the best fit for you.

Discover how I was able to go from zero to making a steady income online using a simple website. Click here to learn how.

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