Blog Growth Engine – Legit Training? [Adam Enfroy Course]

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I came across Adam Enfroy a few years ago when I landed on one of his blog posts. Recently, I’ve begun watching some of his YouTube videos and realized that he has his own training course.

Adam Enfroy’s course is called Blog Growth Engine. It essentially teaches you how to launch and grow a successful blog that earns income.

Of course, that is one of my favorite topics because that’s exactly how I earn a steady income online.

Who am I? My name is Eartha and I’m a full-time affiliate marketer. I spend time seeking out different affiliate products and online courses related to earning an income online.

I like doing research on products before I decide to buy them. Many of these courses and products cost anywhere from $1,000 and up.

Most do not offer a free trial so if for some reason you want a refund, there are often conditions you must meet before you can request one.

I’m certain this Blog Growth Engine review is going to be a positive one as Adam Enfroy is a reputable blogger with a ton of experience.

I’ll share what I’ve discovered about the course, Adam, and share some blogging course alternatives.

  • Product Name: Blog Growth Engine
  • Product Creator: Adam Enfroy
  • Product Price: $2,997
  • Niche: Make money with a blog

How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hi! I’m Eartha, the author of this blog and an affiliate marketer. I seek out various affiliate programs and courses that teach ways to earn income online.

I also share ways to help boost online income. One of the ways I’ve been able to boost my income online is by focusing on promoting high-ticket products versus low-ticket products.

Making higher commissions as an affiliate marketer is one of the best ways to scale up your income.

If you are ready to level up your income, click the link below:

What is Blog Growth Engine?

Blog Growth Engine is a step-by-step training program that teaches how to start and grow a profitable blogging business.

It is the exact formula Adam used to build a 7-figure per year website in under two years. I would say that is the exception and not the norm.

However, I don’t doubt that what is taught in this course can help anyone create a profitable blog. It is a matter of hard work and consistent effort.

Adam states that the typical blogging advice offered today doesn’t work. He also says that most people don’t treat blogging like a business.

I have to admit that I even witness this from people that I’ve helped. If you treat blogging as a hobby then it will not make money.

Adam also says that monetizing a blog should happen from day one. I have to agree with this. Anytime I create a niche blog, I add affiliate links immediately.

Some people disagree with that but it works for me. I treat each new blog post as a new salesperson working for me 24/7. Each post should be able to make its own money.

Blog Growth Engine covers a lot and it’s all step-by-step. You can go at your own pace and it is updated monthly.

This training works for those who have never blogged and those that already have an established blog.

Who is Adam Enfroy?

I recommend giving Adam’s about page a read. He has an interesting backstory and shares not only his success but the struggle that it took to get there.

Adam attended Michigan State University, living in the dorms, and enjoying his newfound freedom, he began drinking and partying too much.

He was able to maintain good grades for a while but soon all of the drinking caught up to him. His grades began to slip and eventually he was kicked out of college.

Since he had time on his hands, he began immersing himself in learning online marketing. Soon he was helping friends with their SEO, PPC, email marketing, web design, and more.

Eventually, he landed a full-time marketing job. However, after some soul searching, Adam decided to leave Michigan.

He applied for several jobs across the country and landed a job as an affiliate manager for BigCommerce in Austin, TX.

Adam was quickly promoted to head of Digital Marketing but the stress took its toll on him. It made him come up with an exit plan.

In 2019 he started his blog and immediately got to work creating content and obtaining backlinks. He was putting in 100+ hours per week between his day job and blog.

Nine months after starting his blog he was earning $35,000 per month. By 2020 he was earning $80,000 per month. He quit his job and began traveling.

Now he has created his Blog Growth Engine course and helps over 60,000 students learn how to create profitable blog businesses.

What You Get with Blog Growth Engine Training

The Blog Growth Engine course includes 50+ hours of video, 10 modules, 30+ lessons, and blogging templates.

The 10 modules break down as follows:

  • Module 1: Niche selection and the brand of you
  • Module 2: Mindset
  • Module 3: Blogging like a startup
  • Module 4: Decoding search intent
  • Module 5: Your minimum viable website
  • Module 6: Keyword monetization
  • Module 7: Blog content creation
  • Module 8: The link building machine
  • Module 9: Affiliate marketing and blog monetization
  • Module 10: Scaling and outsourcing your blog

What is refreshing about this course is what it covers and the fact that there are no bonuses offered.

Bonuses are often used as a way to add more perceived value. I think when a course is good, bonuses aren’t necessary.

Adam’s own website is proof of what is possible and his course is handing you the blueprint to make your own profitable website.

I think what is covered in the training is straight to the point and is exactly what is needed to succeed.

Who is Blog Growth Engine For?

This training is for anyone who wants to launch a blog that earns a steady income online. You can be a complete beginner at blogging or have a blog already.

The course is step-by-step and teaches how to create a profitable blog from scratch. I can tell you who this training is not for.

If you think that you’ll make fast money with a blog, you will be disappointed. It takes months of consistent effort and even though Adam may have an awesome course, there are no guarantees.

Blogging as a business requires consistent effort. If you cannot treat it as a business, this course will not benefit you.

Is This Legit Training?

Absolutely. There is nothing about this training that is throwing up any red flags for me. I’ve come across scam training courses in the past and this is not one of them.

Adam Enfroy is reputable and I don’t doubt that his course will deliver on what it teaches. I also like that this training is based on operating a blog.

I think many people underestimate the power of a blog in terms of earning income. As Adam points out in his webinar, everyone should have a blog as a digital backup plan.

There are many ways to make money with affiliate marketing but some strategies are riskier than others and often rely on running paid ads which can be challenging for beginners.

Blog Growth Engine Price and Refund Policy

The price of Blog Growth Engine is $2,997. There are no payment plans offered on the checkout page:

blog growth engine price
Blog Growth Engine checkout page

This is one of the most expensive blogging courses I’ve come across. However, it is also one of the most quality ones I’ve come across as well.

The refund policy is 14-days. It is one of those money back guarantees that have a condition attached to it.

It states that all you have to do is contact customer support and show some proof that you gave it your best shot.

What that entails, I do not know. What I do know is that you should be serious about this business model and what is offered in the training before buying it.

The worst thing you can do is pay for the training and not do anything with it. I know this happens because I’ve downloaded free training and trainings that I’ve paid a nominal fee for and never completed them.

One upside to courses like these being high priced is that it sort of forces you to complete it.

What I Like About Blog Growth Training

What I like most about what’s offered in this training program is that it is the actual steps that Adam Enfroy took to reach massive success with his own website.

It doesn’t surprise me that he charges as much as he does for it. If someone were to follow what is taught and put in the time and effort, they could likely make back the price of the course and then some.

Blog Growth Engine Alternatives

There are a lot of good blogging courses available if you want to do some comparison shopping first. Here is a list of some of the more reputable ones that I’ve found:

  • Affiliate Lab (Matt Diggity)
  • Fat Stacks Blog (Jon Dykstra)
  • Wealthy Affiliate
  • Income School

They all teach earning income with a blog but each have slightly different strategies of doing so.

For example, Adam’s course is big on link building whereas courses like Wealthy Affiliate and Income School don’t focus on link building in the same manner.

Final Thoughts On Blog Growth Engine

After learning more about this course and about Adam Enfroy, this is a course that I would list as a reputable blogging course.

How I Make a Steady Income Online

I also make income online with a blog and affiliate marketing. Blogging is one of the best ways to promote affiliate products.

You get free traffic, it’s low-cost to start, and it is a long-term online business model. I agree with Adam Enfroy when he says that everyone should create a blog for profit.

The reason I got started with a blog was due to a job layoff. I decided that I didn’t want to be in that position again.

I knew that starting a blog was low-cost and a way to do affiliate marketing. At the time, I didn’t know how to make money with a blog.

In order to speed up my progress, I searched for an online training program and found this one.

By following that training, I was able to transition into working on my website full-time.

Here is a screenshot of an affiliate commission I made from one affiliate program:

affiliate commission

The process I followed goes like this:

  1. Choose a niche
  2. Create a website
  3. Attract visitors
  4. Earn revenue

If you’d like to check out how it works, click on the button below:

I hope this Blog Growth Engine review helped to clarify what this course offers. I wish you much success in your online business journey!

Eartha 🙂

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