Mommy blogs are some of the most popular blogs on the web. I’ve come across many mommy bloggers that make a full-time income online. If you’re ready to start your own blog, these mom blog niche ideas can help spark some ideas of your own.
Getting started with your own mom blog is easy but it all starts with choosing a niche. It helps to brainstorm various mom blog niche ideas and the following may make a great starting point.
I will also share how I went from zero with my own niche blog and grew it to earn a consistent income from affiliate marketing every month.
Mom Blog Niche Ideas
- Starting an Income Stream at Home
- Reviewing Products That Make Life Easier
- Self-care for Moms
- Survivalist Mom
- Making Healthy Meals On a Budget
How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hey there! My name is Eartha and I’m the author of this blog and an affiliate marketer. I share various affiliate programs that I find as well as ways to help boost affiliate income.
One of the ways I’ve been able to increase my affiliate income is by promoting high-ticket affiliate offers.
By focusing on high-ticket offers versus low-ticket, I’ve been able to scale up my online business.
If you’re ready to level up your affiliate income, click the link below:

1. Starting an Income Stream at Home
Many moms are seeking a way to bring more income into their household without having to take on a part-time job. One of the ways to accomplish this is by starting an online business.
You could start a mom niche blog on how to develop a new stream of income online while also being a busy mom. Document every step of your process so that other moms can learn from your experience.
Creating your niche blog can serve as an example of starting an online business. Blogs are a low-cost and convenient way to start a business that literally has unlimited income potential.
That is exactly what I did when I got started with my own niche blog. Through proper training and implementing what I learned, I was able to go from zero to making affiliate income every month.
This topic is sure to generate plenty of free targeted web traffic which means you can earn income with your blog through display ads, affiliate marketing or both.
Keyword Phrases to Consider
- make money at home for moms
- make money mommy blogging
- home based business ideas for moms
- non mlm business opportunities
2. Reviewing Products That Make Life Easier
Product review websites are great for making sales with affiliate marketing. As a mom, you likely buy or use products that make your daily tasks easier.
You can create a niche blog that highlights how these specific products make your life easier as a mom. If these products are on Amazon, you can link to them with your Amazon affiliate links.
Otherwise, you can check if the products have their own affiliate program. Provide honest reviews, plus details and photographs, and you can expect high conversion rates.
Besides that, you can also incorporate life-hacks that you use to manage daily tasks, stay productive, and care for your family. A mom blog with this type of content is sure to gain a following.
Keyword Phrases to Consider
- diaper bag organizer
- educational games for kids online
- jogging stroller travel system
- lightweight stroller car seat combo
3. Self-Care for Moms
This is such an important topic and something that many moms overlook. It is so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day tasks that life feels like it is passing by.
Self-care can consist of anything that brings you back to your center. That may mean taking time for a massage, getting a facial, taking a yoga class, setting time aside for meditation, etc.
It is unfortunate that many of us, particularly moms, neglect our own self-care. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Finding an outlet is important.
Moms and people, in general, need to remember their own worth and value themselves. Self-care is one of the ways to do this on a daily basis.
You can create a niche blog that covers various methods of self-care and share how you make time for self-care in your own life.
Keyword Phrases to Consider
- meditation made simple
- homemade facial scrub
- journaling for self care
- get more sleep tips
4. Survivalist Mom
Many moms are wanting to get better at disaster preparedness. This may mean stocking your freezer with food, preparing go-bags for everyone in the family, and more.
There are plenty of moms out there that would like to be more prepared. You can create a niche website on being a mom and how you prepare your household for emergency situations.
The cool thing about this niche is that you’ll be providing a lot of helpful information and you can promote a wide variety of affiliate products that can mostly be found on Amazon.
Read up on these camping affiliate programs that offer products closely related to the survivalist niche.
Keyword Phrases to Consider
- emergency kit backpack
- battery operated lanterns
- go bag essentials
- home electric generator
5. Making Healthy Meals On a Budget
I think most moms appreciate help in the meal department. It can feel like a struggle to come up with ways to feed the entire family healthy meals within a set budget.
This niche definitely falls under the food blog niche as well. However, it is an important topic when it comes to being a mom.
Your website can focus on healthy recipes that feed families while saving money in the process. You can share where you buy your groceries, the sales that you find, coupons that you use, etc.
Even better, you can generate even more traffic to your blog by adding your posts to Pinterest. Pinterest is a go-to for recipes.
Pinterest when done right can drive a lot of free traffic to your website.
Keyword Phrases to Consider
- easy healthy recipes for kids
- healthy meals for under $20
- cooking healthy on a budget
- meatless meals for families
Getting Your Mom Niche Blog to $1,000 Per Month Income
Do you believe it is possible to grow your blog to $1,000 per month? You should because it is possible to earn that and a lot more with hard work and consistent effort.
There are four main steps to making this happen. I’ll outline them below and explain how I followed each of these steps to generate consistent income with my own niche blogs.
Step 1 – Choosing Your Niche
You’ve already got this covered as you want to be in the mom niche. Hopefully, you have also narrowed down a sub-niche within the broader mom niche.
I go about choosing a niche based on my own genuine interest. The reason for doing so is that I’ll be able to create content on a regular basis.
It is important that you have fun with content creation, otherwise, it will feel like a chore to maintain your website.
If you are still struggling with niche selection, you can use the old-school method of whipping out a pen and piece of paper. Jot down anything that comes to mind that interests you.
From there, eliminate what doesn’t resonate with you as much as the others. Eventually, you will find the niche that sparks the most excitement for you.
Step 2 – Creating Your WordPress Website
I only recommend using a self-hosted WordPress website. All that means is that you will register a domain name, get a web hosting account, and install WordPress on your account.
Don’t worry if you are not comfortable with the technical aspects of a website. Any commercial web hosting provider can provide everything that you need in a few clicks.
If you like step-by-step training, I also recommend building your website on the same training platform that I used.
Click here to get started with your own niche website plus free training.
Step 3 – Content Creation
Content is the articles that you write for your blog. If you have yet to hear the phrase “content is king”, you likely will as time goes on.
The writing that you do for your blog is what eventually gets crawled and indexed by the search engines like Google. When your content is indexed, it will then begin to rank.
As your content ranks, web searchers will begin to find your posts. Your blog starts to get free targeted traffic and once that happens, it has the ability to start making money.
I highly recommend creating a new piece of content at least 1 to 2 times per week. Even with a busy schedule, this is doable.
This is where you put in your hard work upfront. When I started my niche website, I was working a full-time job. I worked on my website in every free moment that I had.
After about a year and a half, I was able to quit that job and begin working on my website full-time. That does not mean you will experience the same timeframe.
You should give your website time to grow and this growth will largely be attributed to how consistent you are with creating content on a regular basis.
Step 4 – Making Money From Affiliate Marketing and Display Ads
You have your website, you know how to generate free traffic through content creation, now you can start making money from your traffic.
There are many ways in which you can generate income from your website. The two most common methods include affiliate marketing and display ads.
Affiliate marketing is my favorite revenue generator. The definition of affiliate marketing is:
The promotion of another company’s products and/or services in exchange for a commission when a sale is made.
There are millions of products that are a part of an affiliate program. Large companies have affiliate programs like Target, PetCo, Amazon, and more.
Display ads are just that. You display ads on your website and earn income when visitors click on them. There are many display ad networks to choose from such as Google Adsense, Ezoic, AdThrive, and more.
Closing Thoughts On These Mom Niche Blog Ideas
Mommy blogs are quite popular and many of them are making full-time income for their blog owners. I hope these mom blog niche ideas have got you excited about venturing into creating your own website.
Niche websites are what I use to earn a consistent income online through affiliate marketing.
It is one of the best ways to earn affiliate commissions. I make commissions while I am sleeping, out grocery shopping, or relaxing with my loved ones.
Beginners may find it a bit challenging to get started. I did as well so I followed a step-by-step training program.