Bob’s Watches Affiliate Program

This post may contain affiliate links. I will earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you buy a product using my links. Thank you for your support!

Luxury watches are big sellers and fortunately, you don’t have to be a reseller to make money from them. It is possible to earn a lucrative income online by promoting such watch brands as Rolex, Patek Philippe, Breitling, and more. Many of these brands do not have their own affiliate programs. Fortunately, there is one that you can consider and that is the Bob’s Watches affiliate program.

In this post, I will go over how the Bob’s Watches affiliate program works as well as some strategies to earn income by promoting the various luxury watches they carry.

How I Make $1K – $2K Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hi! I’m Eartha, the author of this blog and an affiliate marketer. I enjoy sharing various affiliate programs that I come across as well as ways to increase affiliate income.

One of the ways I’ve been able to increase my affiliate income is by promoting high-ticket affiliate products.

High-ticket affiliate marketing enables you to scale up your income much faster. If you want to learn how I make $1K – $2K affiliate commissions, click below!

How I went from zero to making high-ticket affiliate commissions online.

How Does the Bob’s Watches Affiliate Program Work?

In order to begin earning with the Bob’s Watches affiliate program, you will need to apply through Pepperjam’s Ascend affiliate platform.

Once you are approved you can begin using your affiliate links and earning commissions for every sale that you refer.

  • Commission: 5% and $1,000 cap on orders from $19,999 and up.
  • Cookie Length: 24 hours

One of the big benefits of joining Bob’s Watches affiliate program is that you have the potential to earn $1,000 per each sale that you refer.

That is what is considered a high-ticket commission and high-ticket commissions are a faster way to scale up your affiliate income.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting Approved

Most affiliate programs have an approval process. The main reason is to choose affiliates that are serious about promoting the products. That means affiliates who demonstrate that they know how to generate targeted traffic.

This is why many affiliate programs will ask you for a URL. This is where many beginner affiliate marketers get stuck because they don’t know how to generate traffic yet.

When an affiliate program asks for a URL, they want to see a website that you own that is in a related niche.

Your website doesn’t have to have a ton of traffic (although some affiliate programs may have a traffic requirement as well.)

What I recommend beginner affiliates do is either create a social media profile related to the niche of the product they are promoting or create a niche website.

Let’s say that you create an Instagram account. Since you are going to promote luxury watches, you can be in a luxury niche.

Your Instagram account can share photos and information about various luxury watches or luxury items in general.

Post several pieces of content before submitting your social media account on your affiliate application.

Another option is to create a niche website. All that you need is a WordPress website hosted on a web hosting account with a domain name that you choose.

Your niche website can be related to the luxury niche, jewelry niche, or whatever niche you want that enables you to talk about luxury watches.

Post at least 5 blog posts before submitting the URL on the affiliate application.

Either way you go (social media or niche website), you’ll have a URL that you can submit and a good way to prove that you understand how to generate traffic.

Pros and Cons of Bob’s Watches Affiliate Program

Earning $1,000 in commissions is a big plus for the Bob’s Watches affiliate program. However, it doesn’t come without its pros and cons.

First, let’s take a look at the pros.


  • High commission rate
  • High-ticket products
  • High converting products


  • Short cookie length
  • Specific audience

As far as the cons go, it is really tough to promote products that have such a short cookie length.

Bob’s Watches affiliate program has a cookie length of 1 day. That means if your visitors that click your affiliate link don’t buy within 24 hours, you’ve lost the sale if they choose to buy in a week or a month.

Add in the specific target audience and it makes it more challenging to make affiliate sales. You’ll have to target those who are in the buying phase of their decision-making process.

Otherwise, those who are simply browsing, checking prices, etc., are going to click away and may never buy.

Strategies for Promoting Luxury Watches

Considering the target audience that you want to market to, it may help to target those who are ready to buy.

In terms of promotion, I’d showcase the various luxury watches by creating informational blog posts or social media content.

Bob’s Watches carries brands such as Rolex, Patek Philippe, Breitling, and more.

It helps to do some keyword research related to luxury watches. This will also provide you with content ideas.

If you want traffic fairly quickly, creating Instagram reels, Facebook reels, etc., is a great way to begin receiving traffic, even if you have a brand-new account.

A reel can be a short 7-second to 1-minute video. You don’t have to be in the videos if you don’t want to. Many affiliate marketers that I follow put text over their videos.

There are so many ways to be creative with your videos. If you want to make it easier, follow other affiliate marketers and use their reels as inspiration for creating your own.

How I Make $1K – $2K Commissions Online

While I like high-ticket affiliate products, some are more challenging to promote than others.

As I mentioned earlier, promoting the watches on Bob’s Watches will need to include those who are in the buying phase of their decision-making.

I’d much rather promote a product that has high commission rates and is not limited by a short cookie length.

My favorite products to promote are digital products. I like these because the customer receives their product immediately.

I also choose digital products that have a commission of at least $1K.

Below are screen captures of what is possible with high-ticket affiliate marketing:

affiliate commission
affiliate commission

High-Ticket vs Low-Ticket Offers

Here is why I prefer promoting high-ticket offers versus low-ticket offers. There was a time that I would focus solely on low-ticket offers.

The problem with low-ticket offers is that it takes more sales to reach a monthly goal of, let’s say, $4K per month.

Most low-ticket offers I promoted had a commission rate of around $45 per sale.

In order to reach a goal of $4K per month, I would need to make about 100 sales per month.

However, if I choose an affiliate offer with a minimum of a $1K commission per sale, I would only need to make 4 sales per month.

I’d much rather focus on 4 sales versus 100 each month. It requires the same amount of marketing effort.


Overall, I think Bob’s Watches affiliate program is an excellent option for affiliate marketers in the luxury niche.

You are able to make $1,000 per sale for every watch sale that you refer. The difficult part is finding the right target audience and dealing with the short 24-hour cooking length.

An easier option is to promote a high-quality digital product that has a minimum commission of $1K.

If you are ready to level up your affiliate income, then consider following the same online training course that I followed.

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