Can You Make Money as an Arbonne Independent Consultant?

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When it comes to home-based businesses, Arbonne is a company that falls into that category. If you are considering becoming an Arbonne independent consultant, read on to learn more about the company and the business opportunity.

Arbonne is a multi-level marketing company (MLM) that produces vegan skincare, cosmetics, and nutrition. The company was founded in 1980 by Petter Mørck.

Arbonne has a great product line but is it worth it to become an independent consultant?

How I Make $1,000 Commissions

Hey there! I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing has helped me work my way out of a full-time retail job. I don’t need my own product, I don’t personally sell anything, and there is zero customer service. Click the link below and I’ll share how I’m able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:

How Arbonne Works

There are plenty of health & wellness multi-level marketing companies out there but Arbonne is one of the first that I’ve come across that is 100% vegan and cruelty-free.

Their product line consists of skincare, bath & body, makeup, nutrition, and hair products. Customers can save on products by becoming preferred customers or independent consultants.

Preferred customers save 20-40% on orders and independent consultants save 35-50%. The preferred customer fee is $29 for the year. Independent consultants can start their business for $49.

Signing Up as an Arbonne Independent Consultant

Signing up is really easy. You simply go to the Arbonne website and click on “become a consultant” which is on the home page.

You are taken to the registration page and then you click on the “start earning” button which adds the welcome kit to your shopping cart. The fee is $49.

Compared to many other MLM companies, the $49 start-up fee is reasonable. I’ve come across companies that require buying a kit ranging from $200 and up.

After you check out, the following items will be delivered to you:

  • Product lookbook
  • Welcome letter/vision board card
  • Success plan (compensation plan)
  • Discover Arbonne brochure
  • Consultant resource guide
  • Healthy Living Inside & Out brochure

Most MLM compensation plans are confusing (in my opinion) so be sure to read through Arbonne’s compensation plan here.

There are four ways that you can earn income as an independent consultant. They include:

  • 35% client commissions on product sales – 15% on preferred clients
  • Commission overrides on the product sales volume of your team
  • Mercedes Benz cash bonus to Vice Presidents based on the product sales volume of their team
  • Cash bonuses on personal or team sales volume

The Arbonne Compensation Summary

You can access Arbonne’s compensation summary here. It helps to get an idea of the average earnings for independent distributors within the span of a year.

Here is a screen capture of the table:

arbonne independent consultant compensation

A majority of independent consultants (66%) are at the entry-level stage with average annual earnings of $839. Your success with this business is completely dependent upon your hard work and effort.

What Most Multilevel Marketers Struggle With

The biggest challenge for multilevel marketers and small business owners, in general, is being able to generate a consistent flow of leads.

After you have exhausted reaching out to your family and friends, your only option is to reach out to everyone else.

That is a nerve-racking experience as most of us do not want to approach strangers to talk about a business opportunity.

Fortunately, there is a better option for building leads and that is by using the internet. This can be done through content marketing, email marketing, sales funnels, and more.

MLSP (My Lead System Pro) has been teaching multilevel marketers how to generate leads in this manner since 2008. They are worth checking out if you are strongly considering joining an MLM company.

What to Keep in Mind About Multilevel Marketing

No matter how amazing an MLM opportunity is, the truth of the matter is that you will be in sales. You will be selling the company’s products and selling the business opportunity.

It can mean plenty of rejection and lots of frustration. However, if you create a plan, stick to it, and work hard, there is no reason why you cannot achieve success.

In all honesty, multilevel marketing is not my cup of tea. I have tried it in the past and like many others, I struggled with the recruiting aspect.

Back when I tried it, a service like MLSP didn’t exist. I think marketing online has definitely changed the game for multilevel marketers everywhere.

My Overall Impression of Becoming an Arbonne Independent Consultant

So far, my impression of Arbonne is that it is legit. They carry high-quality products. The start-up cost to become an independent consultant is reasonable at $49.

There are no hidden fees or monthly inventory to carry. I think by implementing good lead generation strategies, someone can grow their business as large as they want to.

What I Do Instead of Multilevel Marketing

As I mentioned earlier, MLM is not for me. I don’t have an interest in the business model which involves building a network of people under you.

However, I do like having a home-based business. The online business model I chose and use today is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another company’s products and/or services in exchange for a commission when a sale is made.

affiliate marketing flow chart

There are millions of products that are part of an affiliate program. Major companies have affiliate programs such as Amazon, eBay, Petco, Target, and more.

Affiliate programs are free to join and their commission rates vary from one company to another. Most affiliate programs I’m a part of have between 40-50% commissions!

How I Make Affiliate Commissions

I create niche websites and write helpful content for my niche audience. I promote affiliate products within that content using my affiliate links.

When visitors to my websites click on those affiliate links and buy what I recommend, I earn a commission. It is as simple as that.

Of course, there are some essential things to learn in order to have the best success. It isn’t difficult to learn at all. When I got started I searched for an affiliate training program and found this one.

The training in that program helped me to progress much faster than if I had tried to learn everything on my own.

My Closing Thoughts On Becoming an Arbonne Independent Consultant

There are a variety of ways to start a home-based business. Arbonne is definitely an option to consider. It is an MLM company so there are pros and cons.

I prefer to be an affiliate marketer. It is low-cost, and low-risk, with unlimited earning potential.

Niche websites are what I use to earn a consistent income online through affiliate marketing.

It is one of the best ways to earn affiliate commissions. I make commissions while I am sleeping, out grocery shopping, or relaxing with my loved ones.

Beginners may find it a bit challenging to get started. I did as well so I followed a step-by-step training program.

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