Is Affiliate Millionaire a Legit Course?

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There are all types of ways to approach affiliate marketing. One of the most common strategies is to pay for traffic, send that traffic to a landing page, and place your leads into a sales funnel.

That is essentially what the Affiliate Millionaire by Andrew Fox teaches. You’ll learn how to start making affiliate commissions by buying targeted traffic and sending that traffic to a landing page.

It isn’t a new strategy by any means but one that is difficult for many beginners to learn as it involves using paid ads.

In this Affiliate Millionaire review, I’ll go over what the course covers and whether or not it is a scam or legit for new affiliate marketers.

I’ll also share an alternative method that doesn’t require using paid ads and is more beginner-friendly.

Product:Affiliate Millionaire
Price:$39 + Upsells
Creators:Andrew Fox & Thomas Owen

How I Make $1,000 Commissions

Hey there! I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. I share various affiliate programs as well as ways to help boost affiliate commissions. Click the link below and I’ll share exactly how I’m able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:

What is Affiliate Millionaire?

Affiliate Millionaire is an online training program put together by Andrew Fox and Thomas Owen. Andrew Fox is already a successful super affiliate.

The premise of the course is that they’ve created training based on the experience of Thomas who was a beginner to affiliate marketing.

There are 7-modules in the course and 4 bonuses. It is sold on the Clickbank platform and offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

What is nice is that the main training is only $39. There are upsells but if you want the main information, it is reasonably priced.

What is Taught in Affiliate Millionaire?

Essentially, you will learn how to make affiliate sales using paid ads, landing pages, and sales funnels.

It contains seven modules as follows:

  • Module 1 – Research and choosing an offer
  • Module 2 – Creating landing pages
  • Module 3 – Funnels and tracking
  • Module 4 – Ad targeting and campaign setup
  • Module 5 – Creating ad copy and creatives
  • Module 6 – Launching your campaign
  • Module 7 – Optimizing and scaling

There are also four bonuses that include:

  • Bonus 1 – $185K winning ad landing page
  • Bonus 2 – A-List offers
  • Bonus 3 – How to save your Facebook account from closure
  • Bonus 4 – Private group access

Affiliate Millionaire Upsells

Like most affiliate marketing courses, there are upsells within this sales funnel. After the initial purchase, you can expect three upsells and one downsell as follows:

  • Upsell 1 – 5 Done-for-You Campaigns ($197)
  • Downsell 1 – 2 of 4 Done-for-You Campaigns ($97)
  • Upsell 2 – Super Affiliate Builder Software with 5 bonus templates ($97)
  • Upsell 3- AM Club (Campaign of the month, new video, new ads, new video overview – $47/month)

Pros and Cons

As I mentioned earlier, this is not a new affiliate marketing strategy at all. Many affiliates have been running paid ads to landing pages for years.

However, if you attempt to do this as a beginner, you may spend a lot of money on ads without making many or any sales.

Let’s consider some pros and cons of the Affiliate Millionaire course.


  • Learn what you need to run an affiliate campaign
  • Discover what are “hot” offers
  • You’ll learn how to create landing pages and sales funnels
  • Learn how to write ad copy, run ads, and optimize & scale


  • Running ads is risky (account closures)
  • It can get expensive while learning
  • You’ll likely need to pay for sales funnel software like Clickfunnels
  • Not a sustainable online business model

Keep in mind that running paid ads is not a guarantee that the leads you generate will buy the products you’re promoting right away.

That is why you want to collect email addresses so that you can follow up with your leads. The goal is that they will buy at some point as you continue communicating with them.

Is Affiliate Millionaire a Scam or Legit?

I think what they offer is the basics of creating affiliate campaigns using paid ads. There is a lot of trial and error when running paid ads.

Even with guidance, it will take time before you figure out a winning ad and are able to scale it and make a profit.

I’ve read about affiliate marketers that have managed to earn tens of thousands of dollars per month running paid ads only to lose it all when their offers die out.

It is a difficult business model to maintain. However, I do not think that the course is a scam. Like any course you may consider, do so at your own risk.

The introductory price is quite reasonable compared to similar courses but there are several upsells that can bring your total price to around $400 if you buy them.

An Alternative Affiliate Marketing Method

Running paid ads to sell affiliate products is not the only way to make affiliate commissions.

It can be an expensive learning experience for beginner affiliate marketers.

Although the course may state that you can run ads for as little as $5 a day, you could spend much more than that in an attempt to generate leads.

It is not uncommon to spend hundreds of dollars driving traffic to an offer and getting zero sales in the process.

The good news is there is an alternative method to make a steady income online with affiliate marketing.

This is the method I started out with and what I continue to do today.

Niche Websites

The method I use is to create niche websites and recommend affiliate products within my content.

This method has also been in use for years but what makes it different from using paid ads is that it is lower cost and lower risk.

A niche website can generate income for years once you have it established and generate consistent web traffic.

When I got started, I had just lost my job due to a layoff and I didn’t know how to make money with a website.

I knew I need to find an online course so I did my research and found this one.

Following the training and taking action is what helped me to transition out of a full-time retail job to working on my website full-time.

Closing Thoughts on Affiliate Millionaire by Andrew Fox

I understand how difficult it is to go into affiliate marketing with the hopes of making several hundred or several thousand dollars per month.

For most beginners, it is a struggle. That is what leads beginners to jump from one method to another without making any progress.

I believe that most make-money online methods can work if you are devoted to one method and stick it out until you learn it well enough to make it work.

That is exactly what happened to me.

I decided to choose one method (niche websites) and make it work. By doing so, I was finally able to make a steady income online.

You can learn the same method by following the same training program I did.

Learn how I make steady affiliate commissions using simple niche websites and promoting affiliate products. Click here to learn how.

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