5 Smartwatch Affiliate Programs You Can Make Money With

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When I think of a smartwatch, the first thing that comes to mind is FitBit or the Apple Watch. I currently wear a FitBit Versa 2 and I’ve had other FitBit models in the past. Smartwatches are popular and you can cash in by applying for different smartwatch affiliate programs.

I will cover various smartwatch companies below that also have affiliate programs. One smartwatch brand that I could not find an affiliate program for was Garmin. It is unfortunate for affiliate marketers as they are a strong brand with awesome products.

However, I still think the options below will provide you with a great start. FitBit is extremely popular and they do have an affiliate program. That being said, let’s dive in!

Smartwatch Affiliate Programs

  • FitBit
  • Misfit
  • Nowa
  • Withings
  • Polar

How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hi! I’m Eartha, the author of this blog and an affiliate marketer. The goal of this website is to share various affiliate programs and online courses as well as ways to boost affiliate income.

I’ve been able to increase my online income by shifting my focus from promoting low-ticket products to high-ticket products.

Making higher commissions is one of the fastest ways to scale up your online income. Click below to discover how I’m able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:

1. FitBit

I’m sure you may already familiar with FitBit smartwatches. When I got my first FitBit as a gift, I thought I’d have no use for it. Now I can’t do without it!

It is like my accountability partner and I find myself exercising more because I can track my workouts. Many people are FitBit users and when new models are released, you can bet they upgrade as well.

The affiliate program is managed by CJ and offers a 3% commission rate. Of all the smartwatch affiliate programs to join, this is definitely a must.

2. Misfit

The Misfit smartwatch brand was created in 2011 with the idea of creating both functional and stylish fitness trackers.

These watches are great for anyone that wants a smartwatch to also be a fashion accessory. The affiliate program is managed by CJ and offers a 10% commission.

This brand is great as I’m sure there are many people that don’t want it to be obvious that they are wearing a fitness tracker.

3. Nowa

The Nowa smartwatch is based out of Paris. The primary feature of these watches is that they automatically set the time while traveling which is really cool.

Nowa watches are also stylish so you get all of the cool features without the bulky design. The watch connects to your smartphone for automatic time zones, activity, sleep tracking, and more.

The affiliate program is managed by ShareASale with a 20% commission and 60-day cookie length.

4. Withings

This company not only creates hybrid smartwatches but they also have a variety of high-tech products such as scales, blood pressure monitors, thermometers, and more.

The smartwatches can track your fitness goals and synch with the Health Mate app on your smartphone. The affiliate program is managed by CJ and has a 7% to 9% commission rate.

5. Polar

The Polar brand has been around since 1977. They carry a wide range of sports watches and fitness trackers. They are a popular brand worn by athletes such as triathletes, runners, and all levels of fitness enthusiasts.

Polar is also known for their heart rate monitors. The affiliate program is managed by ShareASale and offers a 10% commission and 30-day cookie length.

These are great products and a great brand to promote. I would expect high conversions with this affiliate program.

How to Make Money with Smartwatch Affiliate Programs

smartwatch affiliate programs - laptops on a table

Now that we have covered some of the smart watch affiliate programs that you can join, how exactly can you make steady income with them?

One of the best ways that I know how is by creating a niche website (also referred to as a niche blog). It is how I got my start as an affiliate marketer and it is what I continue to do today to make money online.

I consider a niche website to be a tried-and-true method of making steady commissions by promoting affiliate programs.

Before I created my niche website, I was a web developer creating WordPress websites for attorneys. After a job layoff, I decided to take affiliate marketing seriously.

I had no problem getting my website up but I had no idea how to create a steady income with it. It was then that I purposely searched for an online training program and found this one.

Following the training and implementing what I learned helped me to progress faster than if I tried to learn everything on my own.

How I Create Niche Websites

Getting your own niche website is not a difficult process at all. I always use a self-hosted WordPress website. All this requires is registering your own domain name, getting a web hosting account, and installing WordPress using one-click software installation.

Any commercial web hosting provider can provide you with everything that you need. I host many of my niche websites with WPX Hosting for their speed and excellent customer support.

Content Creation [Blog Posts]

The key to a successful niche website is creating helpful content on a consistent basis. The content that you create is what gets indexed and crawled by the search engines like Google and Bing.

Eventually, some of your content will rank on the first page of the search engine results and this will bring free targeted web visitors to your website.

When you are receiving visitors, your website can start making money!

It is important that you can create content at least 1 to 2 times per week at a minimum. This is doable even with the busiest schedule.

I was working a full-time job when I got started and created content on an almost daily basis. You have to make the commitment and stick with it in order to achieve success.

Long-Tail Keyword Research

Figuring out what to write about is easy and you don’t need any fancy keyword tools to find a ton of blog post ideas.

Lately, I’ve been using Google Search and its autosuggest feature to find an unlimited number of new content ideas.

google search example

If you want to make it easy, create a spreadsheet of 30 different long-tail keyword phrases related to your blog’s niche.

That way, you will have a month’s supply of blog posts that you can write without having to research beforehand.

Niche Website Ideas for Smartwatches

Many people new to affiliate marketing and niche websites may think the obvious of creating a smartwatch review website.

The problem is, are you going to buy every single smartwatch that you want to review? Chances are you do not have the budget to do so.

Fake reviews are not going to cut it today. Your readers will be able to tell that the review is not authentic.

The good news is that there are a number of niches that you can go into and still recommend smartwatches. For example, all types of athletes and anyone that exercises can benefit from a fitness tracker.

Here are some niche website ideas I just came up with:

  • Walking for weight loss
  • Cycling for fitness
  • Local hiking trails review blog
  • Training for your first 5K blog
  • 10,000 steps a day challenge blog

Start with an interest of your own and figure out if you can create a niche website about it that can also incorporate recommending smartwatches.

The best niche website is one in which you have a genuine interest. That way it is fun for you to maintain as you are the one creating content on a regular basis.

Closing Thoughts On Smartwatch Affiliate Programs

The smartwatch niche is a fun one to be in. If you enjoy fitness or are a tech geek, or both, you can have blast promoting smartwatches.

Niche websites are an effective way to make steady commissions with these affiliate programs. It is how I started and what I continue to do today.

If you are ready to level up your affiliate earnings, consider following the same step-by-step training program I followed.

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