8 Instant Payout Affiliate Programs You Can Join Today

This post may contain affiliate links. I will earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you buy a product using my links. Thank you for your support!

Most affiliate programs pay on a 30-day basis. Meaning, the commissions you make in one month are not paid out until 30-days later. This is typical but some affiliates would prefer receiving their commissions as soon as they’re available.

Instant payout affiliate programs offer this in most cases. Some may still release commissions in a 30-day basis but once they are released, you do not have to wait for a specific time of the month to cash out.

Below are several affiliate programs that pay instantly once commissions are released. Besides sharing these programs, I also share one of my most recommended methods for earning steady commissions online.

How I Make $1,000 Commissions Using a Simple 2-Step Process

Hi! I’m Eartha, the author of this website and an affiliate marketer. I seek out different affiliate programs to share here on the blog.

I also share ways to help boost affiliate income. I’ve been able to significantly increase my affiliate income by focusing on promoting high-ticket products versus low-ticket products.

Making higher commissions is one of the fastest ways to scale up your online income. Click the link below to learn how I’m able to make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions:

Instant Payout Affiliate Programs

Worm Farming Secrets50%
Scalify30% recurring
Ross-Simons Gold Exchange10%-15%

Worm Farming Secrets

This product is perfect for the gardening niche as it teaches people how to make their gardens thrive using worm composting. The actual products consist of two downloadable guides.

The Worm Farming Secrets affiliate program offers 50% commissions and instant payout.


If cryptocurrency is your niche of choice, SnapEx is a cryptocurrency trading platform. Users can trade on multiple platforms such as Apple, Android, and Google Play.

The SnapEx affiliate program offers 50% commissions as well as an instant payout.


This company helps people launch, analyze, optimize, and scale Facebook and Instagram ads. You can target almost any niche that is seeking to increase its revenue using Facebook and IG ads.

The Scalify affiliate program has an instant payout and offers a 30% recurring commission.

Ross-Simons Gold Exchange

The gold, silver, and platinum niche is a lucrative one and Ross-Simons Gold Exchange pays people cash for trading in their gold, silver, or platinum items. They send out a free shipping kit and people can mail in their items. They offer payment in as little as 24 hours.

The Ross-Simons affiliate program offers between 10%-15% commissions.


This is another e-currency platform that enables users to invest in cryptocurrency. It offers affiliates instant payout and you can earn between 2% and 12% commissions.


Here is another forex and crypto trading platform that has an instant payout. ProTradesWay offers between 20% and 100% commissions. If you like the e-currency niche, you could earn quite a bit with this company.


This service offers website monitoring, instant alerts, SEO analyzer, spying competitors, and more. Almost everyone that has a website can benefit from such a service.

The Avospy affiliate program offers a 30% commission rate and instant payouts.


Tranlation services are always in demand and that is exactly what Scrybs has to offer. Whether you want to translate text, a document, or a URL, Scrybs can accommodate you.

Many people need this service and as an affiliate, you can earn 20% commissions, plus instant payouts.

Create an Online Business Promoting These Affiliate Products

If you are new to affilite marketing or have been struggling to make a consistent income online, my recommendation for starting an online business may be what you’re looking for.

Before I took affiliate marketing seriously, I didn’t know how to make a steady income online. I registered a domain name, got some web hosting, and installed WordPress.

After that, I didn’t know what to do next. Thankfully, I came across an online training program and took action on everything that I learned there.

What I created was a niche website. A niche website is a type of website that focuses on one topic. You can create a niche website for any of the affiliate programs listed above.

How a Niche Website Works

Your website focuses on one topic and by doing so, it will attract people that are very likely to buy the affiliate products that you are recommending.

It requires content creation (writing blog posts) that answer the questions and concerns of your target audience.

For example, let’s say you want to delve into the gardening niche and the Worm Farming Secrets product above is one that you want to promote.

You could then create content around worm composting or composting in general and recommend the Worm Farming Secrets books.

There are unlimited ideas that you can write about in any niche. The way I search for content ideas is by opening up Google Search and typing in keywords related to my niche.

Google’s autosuggest feature will return tons of keyword phrases that your audience is searching for.

The content that you create (blog posts that you write) are what eventually get indexed and ranked in the search engines.

When people search for those keywords, some of them will find your posts and click over to them. A percentage of those visitors will click on your affiliate links and buy the products that you recommend.

Tips and Advice

Creating and running a niche website is easy. What is challenging is staying consistent with creating content. Some of the most successful bloggers still create content on a regular basis.

Consistency is key and my recommendation is to write a new blog post 1 to 2 times per week. It really isn’t a lot of work. You shouldn’t need more than 2 to 4 hours per week to stay on top of content creation.

I also suggest not overdoing the amount of affiliate links that you have on one post. What is more effective is directing people to what is referred to as a “money page.”

A money page is often a review of the product that you’re recommending. You can have as many affiliate links as you want on your money page because you are not going to worry about it ranking in the search results.

Your blog posts should remain informative and helpful to your visitors. Don’t dismiss a money page. They work extremely well for converting visitors into sales.

Closing Thoughts

Hopefully, these instant payout affiliate programs have provided you with some good options for your next affiliate marketing project.

I highly recommend creating a niche website in order to earn a consistent income online promoting any affiliate products that you want.

It is the online business model that I got started with and it is what I continue to do today.

Are you ready to level up your affiliate income. Learn how I was able to escape a full-time retail job and make $1,000 – $2,000 commissions. Click here to learn how.

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