A typical way to make money on the side is to get a part-time job. Whether it’s something that you do online or possibly a gig like food delivery, it is usually something that you don’t necessarily care to do.
What I want to share with you today is how to make money on the side without having to take on a part-time job.
This strategy can be done 100% online and you don’t need any special skills to get started. In fact, you don’t even need your own product.
It’s called affiliate marketing but I’m going to explain a type of affiliate marketing that makes it easier to hit $1K to $2K per month.
Sound good? Let’s get started.
But first…why should you listen to me?

Hi! My name is Eartha and I’m the author of this blog. I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for quite some time now.
I’ve tried various methods to make money online but affiliate marketing has been the only thing that worked out well.
I love affiliate marketing because you don’t need your own product, you don’t ever have to ship anything, and you don’t deal with customer service.
If you want to make a steady income online, get started the same way I did:
Click Here to Learn Affiliate MarketingHow Can I Make $1000 a Month On The Side?
Believe it or not, making an extra $1,000 a month on the side is not that difficult to do. It may seem like an impossible task at first, but if you have the right blueprint, you’ll probably ask yourself why you didn’t start sooner.
What’s even cooler is that making an extra $1,000 or more per month can be done 100% online. You don’t need to create your own product and you don’t need to source products from a manufacturer.
This method is called affiliate marketing. Here is a brief description of how affiliate marketing works:
You promote another company’s product in exchange for a commission when a sale is made using your special tracking link (called an affiliate link.)
The promotion part is not difficult at all. You can actually automate that using a sales funnel. A sales funnel is a simple 1 to 2-page website that collects leads and introduces those leads to the product you are promoting.

This sales funnel model also builds your email list which is essential for making a steady income online. The reason is that you can continue marketing to the subscribers on your email list.
What Products Do I Promote as an Affiliate Marketer?
The great thing about affiliate marketing is that there are tons of products out there that have really good affiliate programs.
Some of my favorite products to promote include:
- Online courses
- Software
- Memberships
- Physical products
You can promote anything using a sales funnel. In order to reach the $1K per month goal, it’s a good idea to promote products that are high-ticket.
A high-ticket product is one in which the price of the product is in the thousands of dollars. That means your commission will be high as well.
It is much easier to hit your $1K per month goal promoting high-ticket products versus low-ticket products.
Let’s say you find a high-ticket product that offers a 40% commission and the price of the product is $2,000.
That means for every sale that you refer, you make an $800 commission. You are much closer to hitting your $1K a month from only one sale.
You would only need to make two sales in a month to exceed your $1K goal.
What if you were promoting a low-ticket product that has a 40% commission and the price of the product is $45.
That would mean you’d make $18 for every sale that you refer. You would need to make 56 sales of the low-ticket product to reach your $1K per month goal.
I’d rather make 2 sales per month of the high-ticket product versus 56 of the low-ticket product.
Make Extra Income While Working Full-Time
Many successful affiliate marketers started off doing affiliate marketing while working full-time jobs. Some have worked their way out of working a 9-to-5 to do affiliate marketing full-time.
If your worry is that you won’t have time to do affiliate marketing while working 40 or more hours per week, think again.
Affiliate marketing is one of the most flexible online businesses. You can manage your business in as little as 1 to 2 hours per day.
My day consists of:
- Creating short-form content on social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube)
- Sending an email to my subscriber list
- Answering any questions I may receive via email or on social media
All of that takes me no more than an hour or so. Therefore, if you are working a full-time job, affiliate marketing won’t take up a whole lot of your time.
Remember, once you have your sales funnel up, your business is automated. You’ll have plenty of time to grow your online business.
Why Affiliate Marketing is Great for Beginners
Affiliate marketing is also one of the most beginner-friendly online businesses you can start. It is low-cost and low-risk.
You don’t have to:
- Buy any products
- Create products
- Deal with packing and shipping
- Handle customer service issues
Learning affiliate marketing is easy as well. A good online course will show you step-by-step what to do.
How I Got Started with High Ticket Affiliate Marketing
When I discovered high ticket affiliate marketing, I knew immediately that I would need to learn how to do it.
There are many courses out there to choose from. The one I chose offered everything I was looking for and it was created by a 7-figure earner.
Following that course is how I was able to create a fully functioning affiliate marketing business.
You can follow the same exact course that I got started with by clicking here.
In Conclusion
I hope this post has revealed a great option for how to make money on the side using affiliate marketing.
It is a beginner-friendly option that can lead to full-time income if you put in the time and effort to learn and take action.
Ready to start making extra income online? Click the button below to learn about my #1 recommendation.