Zcode System Affiliate Program Review

This post may contain affiliate links. I will earn a small commission (at no cost to you) if you buy a product using my links. Thank you for your support!

If you’re looking for a product in the sports betting niche, you probably can’t go wrong with the Zcode System. Sports betting is a super lucrative niche for affiliate marketers.

According to Statista, the total sports betting revenue in the United States for 2020 amounted to 1.55 billion dollars. That is nothing to sneeze at!

The Zcode System is an automated winning sports pick system that has been in business since 1999. The easy-to-use system takes the guesswork out of choosing to enable anyone to copy & paste sports picks even if they know nothing about sports.

This niche is definitely new to me. I’m slowly learning more about it and have learned that many people make their living by betting sports professionally.

As an affiliate marketer, you have the opportunity to earn some high-ticket commissions promoting this product. Keep reading as I share some of the best ways to make affiliate commissions from this product.

Product Website:https://zcodesystem.com
Commission:50% and possible recurring
Average Commission:$842
Affiliate Network:Clickbank

How this online business freed me from a 9-to-5 job

What is the Zcode System?

The Zcode System is a fully automatic sports picking system that makes it simple to participate in sports betting. It has been in business since 1999.

Users get access to a community of professional sports betters who make their living by betting sports professionally.

They can also make use of professional tools to help choose winners such as line reversals, total predictors, oscillators, and more.

Zcode can provide winning sports predicitons in basketball, baseball, football, hockey, soccer, horse racing, and even eSports.

The price of the Zcode System is $198 per month and includes a 60-day money-back guarantee. Users can cancel anytime.

Is Zcode System a Scam or Legit?

I don’t consider Zcode to be a scam. However, sports betting in general is high-risk. Whether or not you have a system in place that may help you win more than you lose, betting always involves risk.

Many people in the sports betting niche may prefer to invest in a product like Zcode System to give them the advantage they need to pick potential winners.

That is going to be favorable to you as an affiliate when you can put this product in front of the right audience.

How the Zcode System Affiliate Program Works

You can find this product on the Clickbank network. Getting a Clickbank account is easy so if you don’t have one already, simply sign up.

After you’ve created your account, you can go to the Clickbank Marketplace and search for Zcode. Once you’ve found it, click on it, then click on the promote button to grab your affiliate link.

The Zcode affiliate program offers a 50% commission plus recurring commissions. That means as long as your referrals remain a member of their monthly subscription plan, you earn a commission each month.

This is what is considered to be a high-ticket affiliate product as the average commission is $842. You would only need two sales per month at that commission to hit over $1,000 per month.

The product does have a 60-day money-back guarantee so be aware of possible refunds. Clickbank will deduct any refunds from your commission before payout.

You can set your payout settings to every week or every two weeks within your Clickbank dashboard. You can also opt to be paid via check or by direct deposit.

Plenty of Assets for Promotion

The Zcode affiliate program page offers plenty of assets for affiliates. You get a variety of affiliate links to choose from that direct to different landing pages.

You also get email swipes, banner ads, and a PDF (ebook) that you can use in your own sales funnel to build your list and market the product.

If you prefer using paid ads, they give you keyword lists and example Facebook ads that you can copy and use.

Recommended Way to Promote the Zcode System

There are two solid ways in which you can promote Zcode System as an affiliate. These are two methods that have worked well for me and is why I recommend them.

Create a Niche Website (Blog)

The first method is to create a niche website. I think a lot of people underestimate the power of a niche website because they don’t earn income as fast as other methods.

However, they are a long term strategy, low-cost, beginner-friendly, and easy to maintain.

I started my first official niche website after a job layoff. Niche websites make up my entire online business even today.

When I got started, all I knew was that I needed to start a website. However, I didn’t know how to make money with one.

Rather than waste a lot of time trying to learn everything on my own, I searched for an online training course and found this one.

Following the training there and taking action on what I learned is what helped to quit the 9-to-5 rat race altogether and work on my website full-time.

Launch an Affiliate Sales Funnel

The second method is to launch your own affiliate funnel. Many prefer this method over a niche website because it involves less content creation.

A basic affiliate funnel consists of two pages. A squeeze page and a bridge page.

simple two-page sales funnel

Your squeeze page is also referred to as your opt-in page. You’ll want to offer some type of free incentive on this page such as a related ebook, video, audio file, etc. to entice people to sign up.

Whenever any of your web visitors submit their contact information such as a first name and email address, they will be automatically added to your email list.

After they have confirmed their email address, you have their permission to reach out to them anytime with more information and product promotions.

The second page of your funnel is called a bridge page. This page is where you can talk more about the product your promoting (in this case, Zcode System.)

You can talk about the benefits of the product and even your own personal experience with it.

I like to have a video of myself on the bridge page but it isn’t a requirement. Finally, you’ll want to have a call-to-action button on this page.

This button will be your affiliate link and will let your visitors know that they can click on it and buy the product.

A sales funnel is a bit more challenging to set up for beginners but when you have step-by-step instructions, it’s really easy.

I recommend following the instructions in the 3-Day Business Breakthrough training. You can have your affiliate funnel up and making sales within 3-days.

How to Boost Your Affiliate Sales

The best way to help boost your affiliate sales is by using the product you’re recommending and writing a product review.

I’ve had the best conversions when I have used the product first-hand and then write about my experience using it.

I always add pros and cons to my product reviews. Think about how many times you’ve searched for a product review before buying.

That’s how powerful product reviews are!

They convert extremely well so if you are able to buy the product you are promoting, even better. However, it is not at all a requirement. I understand that some products are quite expensive.

Summing Up

The Zcode System is a hot product and one that converts well when promoted to the right audience.

It has not only a 50% commission rate but recurring commissions as well. I also consider it to be a high-ticket affiliate program due to its average commission of $842!

Don’t sleep on this affiliate program!

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