5 Good Online Side Hustles for Making Money

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Having a side hustle has become more of a priority than ever for many people. There are a lot of side hustles to choose from. However, online options are convenient as you don’t have to leave home to do them.

My favorite type of side hustles can be done online. I don’t particularly care for eCommerce, nor do I want to deal with any customer service issues.

The side hustles below don’t require buying any inventory, shipping any products, and no customer service (except for the last one.)

Why this online side hustle can turn into a full-time income.

Online Side Hustles to Make Money

If you’re thinking about starting a side hustle, you are doing a smart thing. I only which I had started sooner than I did.

It would have come in handy years ago when I was laid off from a job. If I would have had a side hustle, the job layoff wouldn’t have felt as devastating.

However, I did start a side hustle with the next job that I took and that hustle turned into my full-time online business.

Below are side hustles that anyone can do. What’s great about these is that they are all online so you can work on them anytime and anywhere you have an internet connection.

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Display Ads
  • Ebooks
  • Create an Online Course
  • Start a YouTube Channel

Affiliate Marketing

This is by far my all-time favorite way to earn income. Affiliate marketing started off as a side hustle for me and turned into my full-time business.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another company’s products and/or services in exchange for a commission when a sale is made.

There are many ways in which you can do affiliate marketing. I got started by creating a niche website.

You can also create a sales funnel that automates the selling and converting of affiliate products.

No matter which method that you choose, affiliate marketing has many benefits:

  • You don’t need your own product
  • No inventory to buy and no shipping
  • Never any customer service
  • Unlimited earning potential
  • Work from anywhere with a WiFi connection
  • Create time freedom and lifestyle freedom

There are tons of affiliate products that you can promote in a wide variety of niches.

Unless you plan on running paid ads, affiliate marketing is low-cost and low-risk to start.

Display Ads

You may be surprised to learn that many people make a full-time income just by placing display ads on their websites.

Display ads enable you to earn money each time a visitor to your website clicks on an ad. These ads are paid for by companies.

In order to earn income with this method, you’ll need to have a website that generates a good amount of web traffic.

You would then apply to a display ads network such as Ezoic or Google Adsense.

Chances are you do not have a website yet. If not, I highly recommend starting one.

Several years ago, I was laid off from a web job. It was then that I decided to make money online so I put up a WordPress website.

At the time, I had no idea how to make money with a website so I searched for an online training program and found this one.

After completing the training and taking action on everything that I learned, I was able to transition into working on my website full-time.

Now I have display ads on my website as well as promoting affiliate products.

Write Ebook Information Guides

This is an excellent way to generate some passive income. Ebooks are extremely easy to make and since they are digital, there is never any shipping involved.

Everyone has some information that they can share that can help someone out. For example, the ebook that I created and sell shares information on how I created a recurring income website.

I wrote my ebook over a weekend, created an ebook cover in Canva, and sell it online using Payhip.

This ebook generates sales for me on a monthly basis without me having to do anything. I direct people to my ebook on my website and YouTube channel.

Creating an ebook is easy. I type up all of my ebooks using Google Docs. I save them as PDF files and upload them to a digital eCommerce platform like Payhip.

Then it is a matter of marketing your ebook. There is very little customer service involved.

You may receive the occasional refund request but they are rare for the most part as long as your ebook provides value.

Create an Online Course

An online course is similar to an ebook in terms of teaching your audience something. The only difference is that you’re doing it in video format versus text.

Many people prefer an online course as they can watch a video, pause it, and take action on what they’ve learned.

Creating an online course is easy. You likely have everything that you need already to create videos.

You can use your smartphone to record or use your laptop. After you have recorded all of your videos, you can upload them to a course hosting platform such as SamCart.

Marketing your course can be achieved with paid ads or free strategies such as social media.

Start a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube channel is a fun and lucrative option for a side hustle. It takes time to build subscribers and generate views.

However, you can earn income in a few ways. You can earn income from YouTube ads. You must meet certain criteria first such as having 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours in the past 12 months.

You’re also allowed to place affiliate links in your video descriptions which can also generate passive income.

If your channel really blows up, you can also earn income from sponsored videos. Sponsored videos often make up a bulk of some popular YouTube channel’s income.

Summing Up

Any of the above side hustles are a great place to start. My recommendation is to choose one and stick with it until you’ve got it earning income.

From there, it is easier to create another stream of income. My favorite option is affiliate marketing.

It has a low barrier to entry and can lead to not only extra income but full-time income depending on your own goals.

Learn how I earn a steady income online with one website and recommending other people’s products. Click here to learn how.

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