Hey there! My name is Eartha and I want to go over what the Email Startup Incubator is all about.
I have been doing affiliate marketing for quite some time and it is my full-time business.
It doesn’t take me nearly as long to determine a scam product versus a legit one. My goal is to always find and share as much information as I can about a product.
That’s exactly what I’ll be doing today with Email Startup Incubator. I watched Anik Singal’s entire free webinar about this product and did a bit more research afterward.
Let’s get started!
Why this online business model is best for beginners
How I Discovered the Email Startup Incubator

Chances are we both came across this product via a paid ad that Anik Singal was running. When I stumbled upon the Commission Blueprint landing page, I signed up to watch the free webinar.
That webinar was long. I didn’t time it but if I had to guess, it had to be about an hour or so. I waited until the end so that I could actually download the ebook.
However, there was no ebook at the end. I’m going to assume the ebook is available inside of Lurn, Anik’s education platform.
Either way, the ebook itself is not important. It serves as a lead magnet to get people to sign up.
I digress. The entire webinar outlined the Email Startup Incubator system. It also shared a little bit about Anik and his journey (more on him below.)
At the end (if you stay on the webinar until the end), you’ll be presented with an offer to buy the Email Startup Incubator for $997 or three payments of $397.
What the Email Startup Incubator is All About
I’ve read Anik Singal’s book which is titled, The Circle of Profit which talks about how he reached internet marketing success with email marketing.
Therefore, watching the webinar and learning more about what Email Startup Incubator is all about was familiar to me.
Building an email list played a large role in Anik’s online business success. He is an expert at list building and making money from large email lists.
The Email Incubator Startup teaches how to replicate Anik’s email marketing success. Here is what it covers:
How to Identify a Target Market
In other words, choosing a niche you want to market to. These are the people that you want as traffic in order to build your email list. You can generate both free and paid traffic.
Create a 1-Page Website
Essentially, this is your landing page, also referred to as a “squeeze page” or “opt-in page.” This page will hold your sign-up form to collect email addresses.
You’ll also want to have a lead magnet on this page which is a free incentive such as a free ebook to entice people to submit their email addresses.
Thank You Page
If you want to get technical, the thank you page is the second page of your “website.” Or as I like to call it, your sales funnel.
This page will let your email subscribers know that they signed up successfully. You can also introduce them to the product that you are promoting as an affiliate.
An autoresponder is the email marketing software that you’ll use to send out automated email messages to your email subscribers.
These automated messages can be scheduled to go out anytime you want. If you don’t know what to write, Anik offers pre-written messages for you.
Broadcast Emails
A broadcast email isn’t automated like autoresponder messages. You can write a broadcast email anytime and send it immediately or schedule it to send at a specific time.
Just like the autoresponder messages, you can promote affiliate products. These types of emails are also done for you in the Email Startup Incubator.
A Bit of Background On Anik Singal

Anik’s journey is inspiring. Before he became successful as an online entrepreneur, he was a student attending medical school an Ivy League school.
He did not want to become a doctor. Instead, he wanted to pursue his dream of becoming an entrepreneur.
Anik wanted to start his business online so he read everything that he could and worked hard for 18-months with no results.
When he was ready to call it quits and find a job, he received a message from a forum that he was a part of.
The message was from another forum member and he shared his strategy with Anik (which is likely email marketing.)
Anik applied what he learned and received his first commission overnight. It was then that he repeated the process and went on to make millions of dollars.
What is really inspiring is that he deviated from his system and ended up in severe debt ($1.7 million!)
He was able to recover and pay down his debt by implementing the simple system that he originally started with. Even more amazing? He managed to do it in 16-months!
Is the Email Startup Incubator a Scam?
The short answer is no. Email Startup Incubator is not a scam product. Is it expensive? Yes. However, it includes many things that make it easier for complete beginners.
When you buy this course, mostly everything that you need to get started is done for you such as:
- Your 1-page website
- A lead magnet
- The Thank You page
- Products to sell
- Autoresponder tool
- Automated emails
- Broadcast emails
Could you do what is offered in the course for much less? Absolutely. There are many landing page software out there that cost less.
Autoresponders are fairly low-cost also (some starting at $15 per month or even for free.)
What may make this course worth it to you is that you get to learn from Anik’s own experience and business model. Plus all of the done-for-you email messages.
There are similar courses available that essentially teach you the same thing for much less like Jonathan Montoya’s 3-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge.
Another Alternative to Email Marketing
I think building an email list is an important part of any online business model. When I got started online as an affiliate marketer, I didn’t build a list right away.
Many people don’t and manage to earn a steady income online. The way I was able to do this was by creating a niche website.
A niche website is essentially a blog that focuses on one topic. You can choose any niche that you want.
I recommend choosing a niche that you enjoy or are passionate about. Your biggest investment will be the time that it takes to write helpful content for your target audience.
It is your content (blog posts) that get indexed and ranked by the search engines like Google. When this happens, people find your posts and your website begins receiving traffic.
Of course, I didn’t start off knowing how to launch a niche website and make money with it.
Instead of trying to figure all of that out, I searched for an online training program for niche websites and found this one.
Taking action on what I learned in that training is what helped me to quit a 9-to-5 job and work on my business full time.
Summing Up
The Email Startup Incubator is a legit training program that offers many benefits for beginners. It does have a hefty price tag so I recommend researching other options before investing in the training.
There are a number of ways to do affiliate marketing including creating a niche website. That is how I got my start online and what I continue to do today.
Discover how I was able to quit a full-time retail job by creating a simple website and recommending other people’s products. Click here to learn how.